Picking up my kitten today! Name ideas please!

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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2011
We're picking up an all black little male kitten today :))

The best part about him is that he has 3 extra toes on each of his front paws! He wouldn't sit still enough for me to check his back feet but he's got some extra toes there as well. It's so cute because it looks like he has a thumb, haha!

Now, I already have Bagel & Cupcake and I had to put Muffin down in February. I would love name ideas, but I wanna keep my theme. Something that would go good for an all black male. My boyfriend and I have come up with Fudge, Smores, Brownie, Mousse and Hershey.

I can't wait to hear from you guys! It doesn't have to be a pastry or dessert food, just a yummy food that sounds okay as a name as well haha.
P.S. I will be posting pictures as soon as we bring him home. Maybe that will help with the naming process :))
I had a polydactyl cat too! She was 19 when she died a few years back. Her name was Sister and she was such an awesome kitty with a crazy attitude :D I still miss her!

You could name him donut! It would be so cute if he was pudgy! What about cookie? Fondue? Oatmeal? or Chip, like Chocolate Chip ;)

Can't wait to see pictures of your new kitty!
I had a polydactyl cat too! She was 19 when she died a few years back. Her name was Sister and she was such an awesome kitty with a crazy attitude :D I still miss her!

You could name him donut! It would be so cute if he was pudgy! What about cookie? Fondue? Oatmeal? or Chip, like Chocolate Chip ;)

Can't wait to see pictures of your new kitty!

Oh my gosh so many more cute names to consider!! This is a lot harder then I anticipated haha!

Was she more prone to other problems because of her extra toes? From what I've searched online, they're not, but I would like a opinion from somebody who had one :))
Well, Sister was actually my ex boyfriend's cat. We were together for 4 years and then she died about two years after that. I was still friends with him, so I saw her regularly. She never had any problems because of her extra toes. She had her front paws declawed, so maybe they charged more for the extra toes! LOL

My ex bf got her when he was in kindergarten and no one else wanted her because of the extra toes. Now, I guess people love them!
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Well, Sister was actually my ex boyfriend's cat. We were together for 4 years and then she died about two years after that. I was still friends with him, so I saw her regularly. She never had any problems because of her extra toes. She had her front paws declawed, so maybe they charged more for the extra toes! LOL

My ex bf got her when he was in kindergarten and no one else wanted her because of the extra toes. Now, I guess people love them!

Yeah I figured that would be the case, but I just wanted to be sure. Don't really want to get myself into anything lol. I don't believe in declawing cats so that shouldn't be a problem haha. Would be interesting to find if they really do charge extra though.

I just saw him and thought he was so cute and unique! My boyfriend isn't too fond of the extra toes, freaks him out. But he was attacking my boyfriend's shoelaces when we were playing with him so he fell for him, hard haha.
He shouldn't have any health problems because of his extra toes. We had a "mitten kitten", and he lived to be around 20 years old. He was the best cat ever!

I'm horrible with name suggestions though. Haha! Can't help ya there.
Ernest Hemingway had a polydactyl cat and there are descendants of them still in Key West. My husband has had at least one most of his life and we had the honor of sharing our live with a black male named Sebastian for close to thirteen years. He was the best cat ever and the only concern about his extra toes was an extra tiny one on his from paw that the vet worried would bother the others. It never did.

Congratulations on your new addition!

Ernest Hemingway had a polydactyl cat and there are descendants of them still in Key West. My husband has had at least one most of his life and we had the honor of sharing our live with a black male named Sebastian for close to thirteen years. He was the best cat ever and the only concern about his extra toes was an extra tiny one on his from paw that the vet worried would bother the others. It never did.

Congratulations on your new addition!


Wow that you so much for that information & website! It's so nice to see people appreciating these extra-toed cats! (My friends all think I'm crazy, lol) And to know that they don't have tons of other problems to worry about. I would love to visit that museum sometime, sounds like heaven for those cats!

Ooohh and I'm picking up the new little guy in about an hour and a half or so. Keep an eye out for pictures everybody :))
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We're picking up an all black little male kitten today :))

The best part about him is that he has 3 extra toes on each of his front paws! He wouldn't sit still enough for me to check his back feet but he's got some extra toes there as well. It's so cute because it looks like he has a thumb, haha!

Now, I already have Bagel & Cupcake and I had to put Muffin down in February. I would love name ideas, but I wanna keep my theme. Something that would go good for an all black male. My boyfriend and I have come up with Fudge, Smores, Brownie, Mousse and Hershey.

I can't wait to hear from you guys! It doesn't have to be a pastry or dessert food, just a yummy food that sounds okay as a name as well haha.

I like Brownie. It fits into your food names
Yeah right now it's a toss up between Brownie, Mousse, Hershey or Cookie. My boyfriend is pretty picky when it comes to names >.< so this is difficult lol.
Maybe something more manly? Like Monster or Cougar or Zorro or Hannibal? My big old black cat is named Mustang. My husband would never have let me name him Cookie. :p

LMBO That's why my boyfriend is being so picky about it. My other male is Bagel and our female is Cupcake (both are fixed). But Muffin was my first cat in the food name theme and I named her when I was 4 so it's kinda special to me and my boyfriend understands that. Plus, he's not going to realize his name isn't manly! Haha!