Photoshop help?

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
I have a question for all of your photoshop pros out there.

I have a photo and I'd like to make it all black and white except the cyan colors in it ( sky, ribbons, etc. )

Even if you can tell me what that function is called that would be fine, as I can research it, but I don't even know what to look up right now, lol.

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There's actually an easier way to do it than painting by hand when it's a specific color.

1. Open your image.

2. Under the 'Select' menu, choose 'Select Color Range...'.

3. Select the color that you'd like to keep. I would keep the Fuzziness option at around 100 or so, as you want it to select a range of cyans rather than just one specific color.

4. You should see a marquee around your selection. Press Control+Shift+i to invert your selection.

5. At the bottom of your Layers window, you should see some options. Select the 'Create New Fill Or Adjustment Layer' icon, then 'Channel Mixer...'. A new popup will open.

6. Click the 'monochrome' option, then close the popup.

7. Right now, this should be pretty close, but you can tweak it if you like. With the Channel Mixer layer selected, press Control+L to bring up the levels popup. You can drag the black and white arrows to change the selection a little. As well, with the Channel Mixer layer selected, you can use a white paintbrush to remove areas of color (say, if there's a cyan object that you'd rather have black and white), or the black paintbrush to add back color.

I tend to like this way because then you don't have to paint in everything by hand. ;)
wow i haven't used photoshop in a long time. Those words that once sounded familiar are all forgotten. But i might use this technique i have some pictures i'd like to fool around with.