I love my FurBlobs.
My 4 year old chinchilla Ralphy has some chronic skin dryness. I've taken him in for fungus testing several times and it's been negative. Still, by the advice of some members I've been putting some anti-fungal powder in his dust to see if it would do any good. From what I can tell it hasn't. I even with-held dust for a while to see if it was just the dust that was drying his skin out. He didn't have it for 3 weeks or so before I just had to let him dust.
Anyway, I got him to hold still for a minute or two so I could photograph it. As you can see it's really severe, but not red or pink. and covers all over his back down to his shoulders and down his sides to about his arms. He's so itchy and I just don't know what to do for him...
EDIT- the last time I took him for a fungus culture it was about 2 weeks ago and I just got the results back, negative.
He's a very sweet little boy but has been grumpy lately. This constant discomfort could be why. I just want him back to his normal self
Anyway, I got him to hold still for a minute or two so I could photograph it. As you can see it's really severe, but not red or pink. and covers all over his back down to his shoulders and down his sides to about his arms. He's so itchy and I just don't know what to do for him...
EDIT- the last time I took him for a fungus culture it was about 2 weeks ago and I just got the results back, negative.
He's a very sweet little boy but has been grumpy lately. This constant discomfort could be why. I just want him back to his normal self