Photos of our newest chins + a question

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Thought I'd post some photos of our new chins as well as asking a question.

We got Treacle and Popcorn (both female) about 2 months ago from a private owner when they were 8 weeks old. They have been handled from a really young age and are still really friendly.

(We assume their colour is ebony?)

Treacle is growing chunkier than Popcorn, although Popcorn seems to be the one in charge.

They both love play time, and usually come out twice a day.


Treacle (she always seems to be the first one to get tired after playing):

We've always given them plenty of toys and they love to chew everything!
Well, before we got Treacle and Popcorn, we bought 2 female white chins from a pet store. We didn’t plan to, but when we saw them, they were gorgeous.

Unfortunately, after a few days, it became evident that one of them was male. At the time, we didn’t feel we could look after both of them, as well as babies as we didn’t have the additional cages required. So, after some heartache, we thought it would be more responsible to take them back.

We were assured they would be properly looked after and the Manager apologised profusely.

However, after returning a couple of months later to pick up some food, we saw the male left alone in what we would deem to be unsuitable conditions. After an argument with the Assistant Manager we took him home with us. We have recently written a letter of complaint and are awaiting reply.

We’ve named him Goose and he’s approximately 6 months old:

When we brought him home he was surprisingly inquisitive and wanted to come out and play straight away. I don’t think he’d been let out of his small cage at all, and appeared to struggle to run and jump as well as our other chins. He’s been getting better and better each day and is wall-kicking as high as the others now.

He currently lives in one of these cages by himself and seems to be really lonely. He always seemed really close to his sister and loved snuggling up (this is our other chins cage split up):

We were thinking of trying to introduce him to Treacle and Popcorn, as they are all still young and our vet thought we’d have a very good chance of doing so, especially if they’re sharing a big cage. We would get him neutered by our vet who has had all of his males done.

We’ve done a lot of research on introductions, and know of the mixed results, but we do now have the room to accommodate him, if it didn’t go well.
Sounds like a good plan to me! And if your question was about the girls' color, yes they are ebony :)

They are all cuties by the way!
Sounds like a good plan to me! And if your question was about the girls' color, yes they are ebony :)

They are all cuties by the way!

Thanks! :)

The question was actually as to whether we should introduce them :hmm:

Also, just realised the pic of Goose isn't very big. Here's another (sorry the qualities not great, he doesn't stay still for very long!):
You'd need to wait about 6 weeks after he's been neutered to do introductions. Male sperm is still viable for 6 weeks after neutering so to be safe and prevent babies, you'll have to wait. It sounds like it might be a good trio. Since the girls are bonded already, if one accepts him the other should be fine with it. When doing breeding trios, this is usually how things are done and introductions usually go very smoothly.
You'd need to wait about 6 weeks after he's been neutered to do introductions. Male sperm is still viable for 6 weeks after neutering so to be safe and prevent babies, you'll have to wait. It sounds like it might be a good trio. Since the girls are bonded already, if one accepts him the other should be fine with it. When doing breeding trios, this is usually how things are done and introductions usually go very smoothly.

Thats great, I'm so pleased! I really hope they all get on :kiss:
I agree with Tabitha. I only have one concern. What are you feeding them? In the one pic it looks like a bunch of seeds and other "junk" food. Steer clear of that stuff.
I agree with Tabitha. I only have one concern. What are you feeding them? In the one pic it looks like a bunch of seeds and other "junk" food. Steer clear of that stuff.

They've always been on standard pellets. That was another type of food we're weening our other chins off, which we let them have a few bits of every couple of weeks or so. We usually give them rosehips or Beaphar Care + as a treat.
Those pictures are great!! I'd suggest listen to Tab and take it slow.

One other thing--I noticed in the picture of Treacle in her house it looks like it's plywood. Be careful because the resin in plywood will make chins sick if they ingest it. It's easy to make houses out of kiln-dried pine and some carpenters glue or wood dowels, if you feel uncomfortable using screws (some recommend not to. I have stainless steel screws in my cage but the points are nowhere my chin can chew to, at least not at all easily). If you go to a home improvement store, they can cut the wood for you so all you have to do when you get home is put it together.

Other than that, you seem like you love your chinnies and take great care of them. This forum is a great place.
Those pictures are great!! I'd suggest listen to Tab and take it slow.

One other thing--I noticed in the picture of Treacle in her house it looks like it's plywood. Be careful because the resin in plywood will make chins sick if they ingest it. It's easy to make houses out of kiln-dried pine and some carpenters glue or wood dowels, if you feel uncomfortable using screws (some recommend not to. I have stainless steel screws in my cage but the points are nowhere my chin can chew to, at least not at all easily). If you go to a home improvement store, they can cut the wood for you so all you have to do when you get home is put it together.

Other than that, you seem like you love your chinnies and take great care of them. This forum is a great place.

Thanks, and thanks for the info! :)

To be honest they never used to sleep in it so we replaced it with an all 'grass' hut and just use the box for when they're playing. We'll keep an extra close eye on them.

(I'm glad we found this website, as it seems that pretty much everything we were giving them they shouldn't really have. They were all apparently specifically for chins as well :wacko: Oh well...)