Photo request

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I like dinosaurs :3
Feb 18, 2010
Rochester, NY
Trying to explain breeding to my boyfriend...he doesn't believe that two standard carriers can produce a non standard. Does anyone have pictures of a standard mom (and standard dad as well, preferably--dad doesn't have to be in picture) and 'mutation' kits? Thanks in advance. (Hopefully this is the right place for this thread, since I'm looking for help from all of my breeder friends :) heehee!)
Just use the calculator. You could do two violet carriers and it'd show him that the babies would come out as violets OR standards :)
You could use good old fashioned punnett squares to show him!

Ss x Ss genotypes could produe an "ss" baby, which would be a different color than the parents. (Assuming standard color is dominant.)
Not trying to be rude here...has he ever taken a genetics course or biology that deals with recessive and dominant genes/traits? If so, just explain that "carrier" just means that the chinchilla carries one recessive gene for the violet or sapphire coat color. People often don't know what we mean when we call our standards "carriers".
Oh he knows, he is partly messing with me. I also just want a reason to bombard him with photos of chin babies :3
He graduated from the University of Rochester with a double major in Philosophy and Political Science, so he BETTER understand basic genetics. I'm an English major, and I get it! :rofl: