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I found an awesome looking little chin at my local petsmart. Should I avoid buying him because i dont know where he came from? I will only have him as a pet and will not be doing any type of breding or showing at all. Thanks!
Pet store chins deserve loving homes too. :)) My first chin was from Petsmart and he was just fine. If you really want him, I say go for it. Just no breeding ;)
My first chin was from Petsmart too- other than being a little skittish he is just fine as well. If you can/want give the poor little guy a good home.
I am so conflicted on this issue.

On one hand, I don't like to buy animals from pet stores because I don't like fueling the "pet store animal" trade. Rarely do pet stores ever take good care of their critters, and I just don't want to add to that.

On the other hand, though... I just want to save every little critter, you know? Especially ones in pet stores that are behind glass and all lonely looking...

I say go with your heart (and wallet, chins can be expensive!).
My first chin is from Petsmart. At first he was shy & even bit my hands.
Now he's the friendliest chinchilla I have (out of 2) & STILL trusts me after all the fur ring checks I've done on him, waking him up when he's sleeping to take photos of him .. don't like to admit it but I think I might have a favourite.
How are they keeping him? If it's a decent set up and there aren't any of those "we are not responsible for you getting the wrong gender/pregnant animals" signs, then I'd say it depends on your heart and your bank account. Are you financially ready for a chin? Between the animal and the caging you're looking at a couple hundred to start up. Do you have vet money ready in case he's got medical problems? One of the risks of a pet store purchase is that you don't know if he's likely to have bad teeth etc. as he grows up. Luckily Petsmart carries a good brand of food (overpriced as heck, but it's there) and the proper caging, but some of them take far better care of their animals than others. I don't buy animals from pet stores if I can avoid it, but when I've had to (to feed reptiles) I refused to buy from stores that didn't keep their animals as close to ideally as their corporation would allow.
my first chinny was also from PetSmart, a anniversary gift from my boyfriend. Although they sexed him wrong and HE went from Olivia to Liv, hes an incredible little boy. The friendliest chin you'll ever meet and he wants nothing but to be loved! I'm so glad the petstore had him.
Shelly came from PetSmart. I love her to bits. We've had her for 3 months and she is really starting to be more social with us. Last night she sat on my shoulder and squeaked in my ear for half an hour. (Melted my heart) All chins need love. If you are in love with him then get him. He deserves are good home too.
I am so conflicted on this issue.

On one hand, I don't like to buy animals from pet stores because I don't like fueling the "pet store animal" trade. Rarely do pet stores ever take good care of their critters, and I just don't want to add to that.

On the other hand, though... I just want to save every little critter, you know? Especially ones in pet stores that are behind glass and all lonely looking...

I say go with your heart (and wallet, chins can be expensive!).

^^ That's exactly how I feel too; very torn on this matter.

I only have one pet shop chin and that's my boy Pip who was actually purchased by a young boy in our former neighbourhood and he escaped and we found him under our van and we kept him. He was and is my first chinchilla and anyone who knows me knows how much I absolutely adore him and have thoroughly enjoyed him for about four or so years now and he has had absolutely no health issues at all and is one very good looking boy. *beams*
I agree with the follow your heart advice. I say this because after my first chin passed, I went to Petco to buy something for my cats. I was sad and missing my little guy and then I saw a chin they had for sale. I asked the sales girl about the chin and she said, "Yeah she has been here for awhile, I think she is sad and lonely." With that I said to her, "Then put her in a box and ring her up because she is coming home with me." I just knew in my heart that Maddie needed me and I needed her. She has been a great sweet chin and I have had her for around 6 years now. Thankfully I have never had any health issues with her, although she is smaller than my other non-petstore chins.
I have 3 petco boys, all approaching 9 years old and two have never been to the vet, the 3rd only for a eye infection.
I work at a PetSmart and I am torn. I actually work in their "PetHotel" but what I know of the manager who oversees the animals she cares about them, knows some basics about them but i wouldn't count on them to give accurate food info (or color info for that matter). Frankly while I have bought my FN's from my store and things like dishes I try not to enrich their coffers and buy from a local feed store the important things or from people on here. I think as far as I know they do a good job of keeping them clean and try to interact with them when possible but then there is the cleaning of the store, helping customers, etc that gets in the way. I wouldn't think they are very greatly socialized although it would depend on the store's employee - if they have an interest in chins, how much of an effort they make at socializing, etc. And of course it depends on the chin's personality and its experiences as to how friendly its going to be. I know I personally have never gotten an animal from a pet store because there are so many that need homes/rescuing but that is not to say that I believe anyone who does gets pet store animals is going to Hades or anything. Gotta make your own call on that I think.

Thanks everyone, very helpful. Sounds like most that have bought from a pet store love their chins and haven't had many health problems. I think I may just get him.
My first chin was from the pet store as well. He's very friendly and I'm glad I got him... and he's also never had any health problems... which, some of my breeder-bred chins have had to go to the vet for health problems... so there's no guarantee that wherever you get them, they won't have some problems down the road.
Silkie came from a petsmart,she was my first chin, the only issue i had is when they picked her up to give her to me, she fur slipped and had a big u shaped mark on her for months.
My first chin came from petsmart. He has seizures, but it medical problems can happen in any chin - I would buy from a breeder or from a rescue. I didn't know there were breeders who sold them when I first got samson, and dont get me wrong I love him but had I done more research in the begininng I wouldn't have gotten one there.
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