Pet store colors

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Ok I've seen alot of chinchillas in petstores before but I have never seen any of the mutations, strictly standards. Is this true any where else?

Because I have noticed alot of people buy thier first chinchilla from a petstore and atleast from what I've seen alot of them are mosaics or other mutations... Anyone else have thoughts on this? :hmm:
There is a pet store close to me that I have seen chocolates, ebonies, mosaics and once a violet at...of course they just jack the price up even more than the grays
I think the majority are standards, though recently I've seen beiges and even a pink white. And you know they cost another $100 for those "rare" mutations!
We don't have petstores around here, but in the ones I have been in I've seen beige, black, and mosaics.
I've only seen standards myself as well...but I mostly try to stay out of pet stores.
Over here its not too common but I got my white mosaic and my velvet from petsmart.
They have a beige too right now.
But that was my first time seeing those morphs, and they were at regular prices (150)
I only see standards or maybe a beige being sold as a champagne, once a pink white, a few mosaics, but nothing else.
Around here the get some of the mutations, but are mostly standards. Unless, though, that it is one of the beige or white mutes, they think they have standards. For example, I have seen violets, and different shades of ebonies, but they were advertising them as standards, and the price wasn't even up from the normal standards. I have also seen many that were the opposite sex than they were advertising. - that has been a problem for a few people I know personally. I even taught a lady at Pet Co how to tell the difference between the sexes.
My mosaic that I rescued from craigs list was from petsmart. His owner worked there and then went off to college and left him for his parents to care for. I applaud them for at least trying to give him a good home. he was free and came with a cage & supplies.
And now he gets lots of attention and my standard has a friend (although they are caged separately.
The petsmart by my house has only ever had standards.
Last time I was in the petstore at the mall they had three- Standard, Black Velvet, and a Violet. Mutes were priced at $300 "on sale", and the standard I think was $200.
I've been to two Petsmarts in the last couple of months that each had a black velvet. My first chin, a mosaic, was bought from a Petco. The mosaics I've seen are priced about $20 higher generally, but the black velvets I've seen are labeled as standards because nobody in the pet stores I'm speaking about ever seems to know the difference.
The only Pet Store near me that has chins had 3 the first time I looked at them. The Standard was $199, the Ebony Was $275 and they had a Pink White that was $375. The sad part was that when I took my husband back to see them the standard was pregnant they believe by the White. Of Course they were planning on selling the babies at a huge amount, and were almost thrilled with this bonus profit. I was disgusted by thier ignorance.
The last time I was in a Petdumb was about 7 years ago! After seeing about 15 chins [all colors and sexes] in a fenced-in area in the middle of the floor, surrounded by kids, and their parents asking if their kids could go in there, I about freaked and asked for a manager! Couldn't tell him a thing, as he just kept saying "company policy" and other B.S. reasons - so I left, never to return! Thankfully, that was one of the stores they closed, a couple years ago!
Thats so crazy! I guess its a geographic sort of thing. I remember the first time I walked into a read breeders "barn" (thank you Riven for giving me that number), I was like a kid in Wonka's wonderland. I'd never seen any mutations in real life and I wanted to cry, they were so beautiful. I have decided when I retire I am going to do that!
They don't chose to only carry stds, that is just the color they get from the broker usually. Of course standards are cheaper to buy than mutations as well.
There has been quite a few standards here, but I often see mosaics and velvets at the petstores here.
I saw a beige (I think) that came at the same time Ferdinand came in- he was still there months later... I was so tempted to give in and get him after seeing him there so long! They didn't even know he wasn't a standard actually, so the price wasn't jacked up or anything.