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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
Orange County, NY
what are the best choices for hay and bedding?

i have care fresh blue bedding now, but think the pine bedding would be better because my friends two chins like to chew on it.

and timmy hay?
I feed my chins and pigs Oxbow Timothy hay and Oxbow pellets for both since it is so convenient.
Aspen and Pine is good. No cedar. Uh I use timothy hay, and some people use Oxbow, i don't know the difference though.
I buy timothy hay, orchard grass and botanical hay from Petsmart. I will usually buy the Oxbow brand, but you can occasionally get good Kaytee. You just have to look it over first.

Bedding is a matter of preference. Some like Carefresh, I don't. I thought it stunk before it ever got peed on. Some like shavings. I don't like those either because they get everywhere. I use the aspen or pine pellet bedding you can get at Petsmart or Tractor Supply. It looks like a bigger version of their food pellets. I like it because it doesn't end up all over the floor and it smells great.

I have thought about trying some fleece liners in the cage bottoms and then putting the bedding in a glass baking dish in a corner to see if they would pee in it, but not sure about that yet. It would be a lot cheaper, but then I'd be washing fleece liners all the time.
I have thought about trying some fleece liners in the cage bottoms and then putting the bedding in a glass baking dish in a corner to see if they would pee in it, but not sure about that yet. It would be a lot cheaper, but then I'd be washing fleece liners all the time.

that is EXACTLY what i thought about doing! hmmm but it will just collect pee. the aspen smells strongly of PET STORE smell, and i'd rather avoid that.. pine smelled pretty mild though...

i will have to experiment.. the care fresh is ok so far...
i use fleece liners and all my chins have litter pans with TGB shavings that i get a HUGE bag from the feed store for 6.50. (
i use oxbow timothy hay, oxbow oat grass, & have bought the botanical hay) i find the kaytee a little too rough or hard or just not soft and tasty looking! i also use some hay cubes every few days as an added encouragement to eat hay! i am trying a few different hays currently however i will stick with oxbow until i find something they all like.
i feed the purina rabbit food (now the show formula) which i get a 50lb bag of for 13.50

the feed store is my friend! at least for the basics. then i turn to my friends here for everything else.....wood, treats, dust, toys, etc......