pest control questions

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Stephanie: Zoo Poo Gal!
Dec 4, 2009
Kingsland, Georgia
Living in the South the way I do, I have a major problem with fire ants and black widow spiders along with a few other pests ( crickets, silverfish, and Palmetto bugs ). While I have not seen any IN they house, I have seen them outside the house. I was thinking about setting up a plan with a local pest control company to come in and help with them.

I do not want anything in the house that will harm my chins or my other pets and I have a child with asthma. What kind of questions should I ask them at the initial appointment? Is there a specific pesticide that I should ask about that is safe around pets, chins and other rodents specifically?

The pests are not a problem right now, but with all the rain we have been having, I know it is only a matter of time before they move into the house. I want to do the preemptive strike before they do!
I would think that any outside/around the house perimeter/foundation treatments would be okay. Don't think that anything in house or in ventilation spaces would be safe, they usually recommend evacuation of all humans and pets during chemical treatment for a certain amt of time, even after that time was up I don't know that it would be okay for sensitive people and animals. Maybe someone else here can give advice .
do you have an air puifier? it would be beneficial with or without pestitcides if you have an asthmatic child. i would ask specically if they are child & pet safe mentioning that you have rodents as pets and i would also ask the specific chemical they use. and i would run a air purifier after they spray the product, even if outside and especially if inside.
I'm in Louisiana and we treat our house ourselves, monthly. We treat outside around the perimeter, and inside everywhere EXCEPT the chin room. I have 3 air purifiers going at all times in my home.
I've never had any problems with any of my pets, and we've been doing this for the last 4 years.
I will definitely be buying an air purifier. His pulmonologist recommended I get one, especially since the chins are in the main living space. Do ya'll recommend any specific one?
And it looks like I am going to have to switch to fleece liners too, since the chips are causing problems with him too. Luckily the chins themselves are not causing any! Just the dust and the chips.

@Mistywaterwoman: what kind of stuff do you use to treat with?