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Since hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver) can have a onset that may be sudden or insidious, you may not know for years if any liver damage is being done by feeding fatty nuts or seeds. Chins need pellets and hay and a treat like this IMO can be deadly long term.
I wouldn't feed that, I had a rescue come in a few years back with liver damage and fatty liver disease from getting fed seeds...poor guy was never quite right
1 ounce of raw pumpkin seeds is probably around 45 - 60 seeds. which breaks that nutritional value down pretty much. i am not saying feed your chins pumpkin seeds. i am just saying that if they had one every once in a while i dont think the fatty content would have that dramatic of an effect. personally, i prefer to use organic herbal mixtures with my boys, they really enjoy the variety i provide and i enjoy the health benefits they receive.
Size of chin to size of seed-think about how huge a seed is when its in a chins tiny hand, they are getting a handful of fat. Chins are made for a high fiber, low fat and protein diet, giving them a dose of fat does them no good, you could be risking bloat and stasis and only makes the owner feel good. Kill them with kindness, you would think pet owners would GET IT, when they keep hearing it from large breeders and ranches we kill our pets off with the crud we feed them.
Not only long-term damage but short-term, lipid-rich foods slow down gasteic emptying which ultimately slows down the rate of digestion. This can cause some serious gut issues and could potentially lead to stasis.