Pen Pals?

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2010
Johnson City, TN
So I vaguely remember hearing something about pen pals for chinchillas. I went to their website and there is a dealer within 30 miles so it's definitely a possibility. Is this a good food?
EDIT: It's actually about 50 miles, but still a possibility.
A lot of people have had losses on this feed.
I had a really bad start to last year and things have been just fine since I switched to PRCS.
I lost over a 1/3 of my herd on penpals, as did two other breeders I'm aware of. I just heard of another person this direction with feed issues... guess what they were feeding?

I know people who use it with no problems, but after month on end of watching my chins die and thousand's spent on necrospies with no definite results... never again.

I've used Manna Pro rabbit, and have been told that Nutrena is good.
I too switched from it.... I am thinking the issues I'm having with my breeders (slow producing, or not producing at all anymore....when they were producing fine before the feed) is because of it.
I bred and showed rabbits on the ARBA circuit for YEARS. I switched to pen pals when they were offering such great deals on food (like every 8th bag free, free small bags to give to buyers of bunnies, referral program) and all of the sudden I was having a heck of a time Grand Championing out lines that NEVER lost. I couldnt figure it out. Lines that had so much gold in them we had leprechauns following us were producing babies that had to be culled 75-80%. Removed from that food, never had a problem again. Took me an entire season to get the food "worked out" of their systems but all of the sudden my rexs had their coats again, my flemish had huge size babies, and all my english lops were breeding like rabbits.