Pee Question

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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2009
New Jersey
I was just reading random threads the other day and the issue "leaking" came up a couple times. How do you know if it is leaking or just how they pee? One of my boys seems to pee a little bit in multiple places during play time but he's always done that as far as I can remember? I give fur ring checks but sometimes have an issue with having it extend all the way.. if it is leaking though what could be wrong with him? Or is this normal?

Thanks for any advice!
I have 4 boys and none of them have ever leaked. They all purposefully sniff a spot, scoot over to it, back up a step or two, raise their tail and pee. Or if they are feeling rather feisty they kack, stand on their hind legs, do a pelvic thrust, and attempt to spray me.
So are you saying that this sounds like leaking or just how he pees? Only one of mine even sometimes pees in the same spot.. none of them are the least bit potty trained.
I guess I meant to ask, do you see him pee like I am describing or does he hop around a play and you find random spots without ever realizing he is peeing? My boys will pee in random spots and are only somewhat potty trained but they will always sniff, back up, raise their tail, and pee in whatever spot they have picked.

If he is hopping around and leaks when he hops I wouldn't consider it normal.
No I don't think he does the whole back up thing- it's not a full pee either like my other chins it's just a few drops here and there.. what is leaking a symptom of?