Pee is really dark

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Jun 16, 2014
Need some advice please!

My girlfriend picked up her chinchilla yesterday and a dark brown flow coming out of her genitalia. She also constantly cleans herself down there and were not sure if its an infection.

We never been to a vet before, and I currently am scared if I may not be able to afford the cost upfront since its rare in our area to find one.

Shes three years old.

Can anyone give me an idea of what may be the reason its a darkish brown?
Chin urine is normally a dark orange/red color. It often is mistaken for blood. Does that sound like what you are seeing?
I have also heard of a dark brown urine being a common sign of giardia, but my guess is that tunes is probably right and you mistook the color. Not sure how accurate that giardia symptom is. Does your chinchilla show any other signs of sickness or is it just this dark brown urine? Diarrhea would be a major sign.
I have never heard of darn brown urine being a sign of giardia? Do you remember where you had heard that? Generally giardia is suspected because of wet, smelly poop.
I think I read it in someone's blog, where they were talking about how their chinchilla had giardia. I'll try to find it.
My girlfriend told me our chinchilla is "leaking" a dark like color pee when she picked her up which got on her shirt. She hasn't been really active, and stood in the corner of her cage for a majority of the day. Which is what worried her. She doesn't seem to be drinking much water either.

On a side note, we lost a chinchilla (r.i.p) a few weeks ago. Could her change in character be from this?