Pedigree question and kits

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Richmond Virginia
As some of you already know I decided to finally breed this year. I have records of all my kits and now need help with making out pedigrees. Here is my list for this year.

I have Z1, Z2, and Z3 died. ( cause unknown )

Then I have Z4, Z5, Z6 and Z7 died. ( Z7 was a freak accidental death from my animal sitter.)

And now I have Z8, Z9, Z10, Z11.

When one writes up the pedigree's to kits do you keep the numbers in sequence or merely skip the deaths?

I want this post to reflect I understand adding dam/sire information and any possible show results as well as descendents of dam/sire. And any and all ranch brands or persons names. Also if kit was from litter of a single birth, double, triple, quad etc.
I write up as much info on my ped as possible in order to help the breeder who gets one of my animal to plan his breeding as efficiently as possible. ANd I personally will not skip death. The kit was born, given a number so I won't give that number to another kit.
Some breeders don't number stillborns/deaths, I do. Even though there was a stillborn in the litter, I think it's worth noting as far as the dam and sire's production record. However, even though I do number, I don't make up pedigrees for stillborns - or should say I don't add them to my pedigree program. I keep track of numbers in a litter on a separate sheet for each the dam and sire.
I too number my still borns. I keep everything in a list and will put next to it "stillborn" or how/when the animal in question died.
I, too, number my stillborns. I do a pedigree on them, too, and keep the pedigree in my records. I just mark the pedigree as deceased. that way I have a record of what happened to each kit.
every little creature that has come out of mom gets an assigned number. I also keep track of them in my breeding programme for futur references on mom and dad.