Peanut question

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I was told by a girl who works at a pet store near me....that I could give Bailey one peanut once a week and he would love it! I went to this store to look for some more ledges to add to his cage. Is this true that I can give him a peanut? Just curious...:)
Peanuts contain too much fat for chinchillas. They have problems digesting it. They probably do love them, but I wouldn't feed it to them.
Okay....she was trying to tell me that she has like 20 years chinchilla experience and that she gives her chinchilla a whole peanut with shell once a week. I just agreed and thought in my mind..."when I get home I'll ask the people on my fav. website" :)
i work with a girl who has chinchillas. she thinks she knows everything but just listening to her, I know she is clueless lol. She feeds her chins fruits, veggies, raisins, nuts, peanuts, pretty much anything that is bad.
I have almost no experience.....I'm trying to get more so that if another situation like Sparkles comes up....things won't go the way they went :( Everyday I'm learning something new and its great! I just didn't want to feed Bailey something that could make him sick.
I was told peanuts were ok once a week when I first started in 1994 Now I know they are very bad - bad for their liver Same thing with raisins and other dried fruit. It used to be thought that paypa (sp?) was good for them for their digestive system (so call hair balls in the stomach) Not so!! listern to the people here and your chin should have a long, happy life
oh peanuts....okay thank you! All the advice and stuff I've gotten here thus far has been great and very helpful! Thank you all.
I don't have many friends...not a lot of people to talk this site is good for me....that of course is totally off topic...but at least I can actually talk to people about Bailey and not just look in a book and hope the answer is right!
Do not give Bailey nuts or seeds, they are harsh for their delicate systems even as a occasional treat. Chinchillas do not have a gall bladder and cannot deal with the fat efficiently. This leads to fatty liver disease(liver becomes swamped with fat globules which stops any nutrients from reaching the liver cells).
I'm also happy to talk about chins here !