Patch of fur missing and red bubble

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Under my chinchillas mouth and to the left, there is a patch of fur missing and a red bubble the feels like it has puss in it. The bubble is smaller than a marble but larger than a bead.

I noticed this about 5 days ago, although it was only red skin under where the fur was missing, not the big bubble. (I don't think the bubble was there).

The only thing that I can think of that caused this is when he escaped from his cage. He was in one of those petsmart my first home cages for a few hours while I cleaned out his big cage, and he chewed through the plastic bottom and escaped. The hole wasn't big at all and was odd shaped. I had no idea a chinchilla could even fit through that sized hole he chewed.

I think it was from rubbing up against the cage trying to get out or trying to squeeze through the small hole he chewed.

He acts completely normal, still eats pellets and tons of hay, and drinks water. He is very active like always.

What should I do? Do you think the vet is necessary?
He needs to see a vet right away. An abcess can be very serious especially around the mouth. It will not improve on its own and will need to be lanced and drained by the vet. You will have to keep it cleaned and check it every day to make sure it does not fill up with puss again. Your chin will need to start antibiotics also.
There seems to be a tiny dot right in the middle of the bubble, I'm not sure if that changes anything.

I never hear good things about vets. I have seen many stories where people spend 100s and 100s of dollars and then the chinchillas still end up dieing. How common is this? Honestly, do you think there is a good chance he is going to die? I do have a credit card but I am really hoping that this isn't going to be too expensive.. I have no idea how much this is going to cost because ive never been to a vet.
From what you described, it actually sounds like a "pimple" and shouldn't be too much!
Could be that minor, hopefully!
The important thing about finding a vet is to make sure they have chin experience, as thr ones who don't, start with treatments that are "generally for rodents", usually don't apply, and are a waste of money!
If you got him from a breeder, call and find out what vet they use and go there, as you definatly want one with chin experience!
Good luck!
My exotics vet has seen one of my girls for a hurt leg (turned out to be a small cut) and an open pyometra (uterine infection), and I can tell you that we spent maybe $50 for both visits put together. The hundreds of dollars usually comes in when x-rays are involved, or when overnight visits require special care. It also depends on your vet; many are willing to work with you. I wouldn't imagine it would be in the hundreds of dollars range, but I've honestly never had this particular problem with any of my girls. Better safe than sorry, though!! How old is he, and does he have any other health problems? If he is in good health, he should end up in good shape, but the longer you wait, the more risk there might be because infection could be building up!

Best of luck with your little man!!
I think the cost of the vet will vary. Some people have vets who charge an arm and a leg, and others are fortunate to have a vet who doesn't.

Either way, it sounds like you need to get your guy to a vet soon. The sooner you have it looked at and taken care of, the less expensive it will be. If it is an abscess and it is left there to get worse, then things will be a lot worse for your chinchilla and your wallet.
We had a chin with an abscess- that is what this sounds like. You need to go to the vet asap. Best of luck- let us know how things go.
a chinchilla with an abscess needs a vet. I am sure you don't have antibiotics on hand. Without care the chinchilla may develop more complications.
I have a vet appointment in about an hour. I explained to him what it was and he said it sounded like an abscess.

He said they will be draining it with a needle to see whats inside. Then he will be giving me some kind of medicine. I explained how I'm a college student living on my own and asked him what kind of price we were talking about. He said it would end up being around $60 for everything (office visit and meds). Which is a relief!

I hope this is all that is wrong with him and all goes well. Who knew you could be so attached to a rodent after 2 months.
Alright, well I went to the vet today. It is an abscess. They poked holes in it with a needle and drained it. They also prescribed albon liquid 5%. They said give him that oral antibiotic .5mL 1X a day and to give him a topical cream (neosporin) 2-3X a day. They said no dust, keep the cage very clean, and to bring him back if it fills back up.

They said I can apply the neosporin with a q tip. They also said if it fills back up I can try to squeeze it and see if pus will come out and use a cotton ball to soak it up. But if it doesn't come out to bring him back. The medicine he seems to like and they said to give him a mini wheat before and after giving him the oral medicine.

It is filling back up a little that I can see. If I try to squeeze it and stuff doesn't come out can I put a little hydrogen proxide on it with a q tip to see if it will open the holes back up? Also, could I poke another hole or two in it with a sterile needle? I ask this because that is all they are going to do if I bring him back, along with charging another $40 for the office visit. The good news is that they said it is unlikely that he will die from an abscess caught this early on.

If anyone has any experience on this I would appreciate any input or suggestions. I also want to see if the doctors advice is correct.


I'm surprised they did not give him Baytril.

Do not stick the abcess with a needle yourself. Frankly, I'm a little surprised that is what the vet did. An abcess can have very thick puss (almost like cottage cheese texture) in it and a needle prick will not get that out. I can tell you that it will fill back up. You will need to check it at least a couple of times a day. Put a warm compress on it and that will bring the puss to the surface and will also remove any thin layer that has formed over the opening.

Frankly the reason why an abcess should be opened a little and not just pricked with a needle is because it has to stay open for it to drain. Also, squeezing it can actually cause more irritation and cause the puss to go back into the wound rather than come out. Neosporin is greasy and it may help if this is not that bad, but usually getting rid of an abcess is not as simple as that. Whenever I have had to treat an abcess in the past it has had to be flushed with a syringe and not squeezed.
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The solution that I have used to flush the abcess with was 10% Betadine and 90% spring water. I would put a compress of warm water or Chamomile tea (it has a calming affect) on the wound for a couple of minutes and then flush with the 10% solution, along with antibiotics.
So are you saying if it fills back up that I will need to take him back to the vet? Or will the warm compress get it out?
and what exactly do you need by a warm compress? are those the thermal pad type things at the store?
Hopefully you will not have to take him back to the vet.

Using a gauze pad is fine for a compress. Wet it with warm water or tea and squeeze out excess and then hold the gauze to the wound for a couple of minutes. This usually feels good for the chin and then gently wipe any puss away. Of course the antibiotics are helping to heal the abcess too. An abcess is not like a blemish. They will usually continue to fill back up (depending on how bad it is) for a few days or longer.

Over the years I have had two chins get an abcess and they both made a full recovery.
I use Epsom salt compresses for these types of abscesses, it helps to bring more bloodflow to the affected area and draws out the infection by killing bacteria. Like Andrea said, don't squeeze the abscess...just hold the compress firmly against it for a few minutes at a time and be very gentle.

With the Epsom salts it normally takes less than a week to get an abscess to start clearing up. After the puss is gone it takes very little time for the wound to heal.

I'm surprised about the vet sticking the abscess, as well. A abscess is basically sterile and won't cause too much of a problem unless it is allowed to grow or torn open. At that point the infection can get into the bloodstream and cause some real issues.
Thanks to everyone for the advice.. I really appreciate it.

I'll keep you updated on his progress!

Do they sell epson salt compresses? Or would dipping a gauze pad in warm water mixed with spson salt work?
A nice sterile cotton pad using the warm water epsom salt solution works great. Epsom salts are very inexpensive, you may already have some. I usually put a couple teaspoons in a couple cups of warm water then just dip in a pad and use that. It's very gentle and it won't sting or just gets the chin a little wet. :)
We tried the compress and nothing comes out. There isn't an opening in the abcess other than the tiny needle holes that the vet poked in it. Does the wound need to have been flushed or opened for the compress to work? And how should he have opened it to allow it to drain? An incision, lancing it? As it is, nothing can come out of it unless it comes out the needle holes, which I think is unlikely.

I am very upset that this vet seemed to have no idea how to treat my chin. I plan to call tomorrow and get an appointment. She told me not to allow him to dust either, and he is getting pretty grungy with all the neo and compresses and antibiotics. I wrote down everything you suggested and I will call and speak to senior exotic specialist tomorrow. I have discontinued the neo in favor of liquid antibiotic (bandaid brand) because it isnt sticky. He seems to enjoy the medication but I plan to ask about the baytril, because I have no confidence in the doctor we saw. She seemed to be guessing alot and consulting others instead of knowing the facts.