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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
I just got furballl for two weeks. And I was thinking perhaps of getting another one. He is any 2 years old that's what te person whom I got it from told me. If I wanna get another one does it have to be about the same age or age isn't an issue. And is it possible that they might not even get along?how many kits will they have at a time. Those with experimce please guide mr and drop me whatever infor that you know. As Ian really thinking twice before getting another chin. I wouldn't want to get another one and have to sale or give away due to any circumstances.
Age may or may not matter. I find it easier to intro young kits to adults, but sometimes adults to adults work fine as well. I just recently intro'd 5 chins, ranging from 3 years to 10 years in a cage together and they're all doing fine. However, regardless of age, there's a possibility they won't get along. Some chins just don't want a buddy. We own one like that, and once had a rescue like that. It's not uncommon. Further, even if your chin does take a buddy, they can turn on each other at any time, so you still would want to have an extra cage in case you had to separate them.

How many kits will they have? Do you mean like if you breed them? There's a lot to consider with breeding, I suggest reading the Babies and Breeding FAQ's, but typically chins have 1-3 kits at a time, usually 1-2.

ETA: I don't know if your chin is male or female, but they can have same-sex cagemates just fine.
If you are not prepared for two separate cages and a separate area for the 30 day quarantine, you are not ready for a second chinchilla.

Since you have only had him for two weeks, you should wait to get another one. Get to know him first and get comfortable with owning a chinchilla before jumping into a second one.

Also, same sex cage mates do just fine together. You don't have to breed chinchillas to own multiple animals in the same cage. ;)
Please do not get a female and start thinking of her as a baby factory. You don't provide adequate caging. You don't provide adequate air conditioning. You are not allowed to SELL offspring in Singapore anymore.

How about sticking with one chin for a couple years. Learn how to properly care for him, house him, feed him, etc. Find a good vet. Jumping into breeding just because is not a great way to go about it.
I am not thinking of breeding just that I was considering of getting a female but the babies thing was and is my main concern. Secondly, it is allowed in Singapore to be a registered breeder. Thirdly I can sell them online too. Definetly that's not what I want. That's y I am thinking of getting a male instead but I read on the net and it said it's easier to intro a different sex to the other and that males and males will fight to death. I also believe different people might have different experience. Same age or younger is better?
I would love to see these sites that say males will fight to the death...

Nicole, don't forget that we HAVE seen some life ending damage between males more than once on this forum. My own Baby was badly beaten up by Mr. Whiskers, but after they were neutered, they recovered together and lived happily ever after until Baby died later of unrelated causes.

The Snuggler, a 4 month old kit, was then introduced to Mr. Whiskers, by then 3 years old. They are both neutered and they are living happily together at this always, I remain vigilant for any signs of disharmony.
At my house, I have had more instances of males beating up females or females beating up males than my same gender pairs fighting. That is complete and utter bull that people like to spout around the internet and post on their pages to condone their poor "breading" practices.

You don't need a female for your male for any reason. Experiences only vary by what genders people house. Lynn has ONLY males at her house so it stands to reason that any fighting there would be male to male. I have male to male, female to female, and male to female pairings in almost equal amounts at the moment. My opposite sex pairs fight more and cause more damage with their fights. My same sex pairs don't even have little bickering fights.

I still say to give yourself time with your first chinchilla before jumping into owning a second. He won't die or suffer from not having a cagemate for a few months and it will be better for him and any future chins if you spend more time researching before getting another chinchilla. Generally when I see someone jump into owning multiple chinchillas in a very short time...I see them rehoming the chinchillas within a year because they end up being too much work. PLEASE, take your time! He will be just fine alone for a bit while you get the hang of owning one chinchilla.
I have a female here right now that was nearly killed by a male (about two weeks ago), she had the entire top of her skin torn off her head ear to ear essentially scalping her, she has bite marks down her back and no fur along her back, she had both ears torn. If you want pictures I can take them she is a sad sad sight and I really thought I would lose her. I have never seen another beating this bad and I have seen some beatings. She still looks horrid poor thing and I do not think she will ever be the same

It happened within a 2 hour time frame, and was the male that had been getting along with her I checked them at bedtime got up to feed a kit and found her in the bottom of the cage surrounded by blood and fur.....

That was a male/female pairing..... any two chinchillas can turn on one another doesn't matter what sex they are or how long/short time they have been together if you have two animals it can happen and you will need to be prepared especially if they grew up alone as yours did.
Actually when I just got him he had a cagemate and not only there are other cages with chins around next to him as I got it from a registered breeder. I am only considering wouldn't be getting onetoo soon so thanks to RDZCRanch. :) I think I titally agree with starleomach. :)
I too have had less trouble with male partners than with opposite sex or even female partners. I would say 90% of the male partners that I have gotten together or had weaned together and sold as bonded have worked out. I recommend to people to have same sex pairs all the time without hestiation.