Hi. Last friday gizmo was diagnosed with coccidia and yeast in his stool. It started with squishy poops t hat I found on thursday. He has been on 0.2 ml of tribissen and benebac every 12 hours for over a week now (today is sunday). His poos havent had too much improvement yet. I checked them today and some are real squishy, while others are spongy feeling, yet still on the squishy side at the same time. Has anyone dealt with this parasite before? How long did it take to fully clear up? Any ideas what may be going on or is this just real hard to treat? Its a bit frustrating!!!!
Here's an update on Gizmo's parasite- The coccidia and the yeast are both gone! YAH! BUT.. now he has a massive overgrowth of bacteria because of the coccidia.UGH! .He is still on the tribrissen and the benebac for two more weeks now and I have to keep disinfecting the cage every 2-3 days with bleach still. I feel so bad for him because I thought we were at the end a few days ago. I hate seeing his cage bare, he seems so bored and confused. The paper towels/hay toys are getting old to him! He adores his wheel and I have it riged on his cage where its near impossible to take it out (its a chin spin) . so here lies the problem- inbetween cleanings, his wheel gets covered in smeared poop. My vet told me to whipe it down when its dirty with clorox wipes. She said its safe and uses it on her birds. I found this a bit odd only because you do not rinse it after you wipe something down, so the fluid and fumes are still strong. He likes to nap on his wheel and will put his face right on it, is it safe to use these wipes with his face so close to the fumes? If this isnt safe, what type of cleaning product is? What does everyone use for antibacterial / disinfecting wipes/ products?
Here's an update on Gizmo's parasite- The coccidia and the yeast are both gone! YAH! BUT.. now he has a massive overgrowth of bacteria because of the coccidia.UGH! .He is still on the tribrissen and the benebac for two more weeks now and I have to keep disinfecting the cage every 2-3 days with bleach still. I feel so bad for him because I thought we were at the end a few days ago. I hate seeing his cage bare, he seems so bored and confused. The paper towels/hay toys are getting old to him! He adores his wheel and I have it riged on his cage where its near impossible to take it out (its a chin spin) . so here lies the problem- inbetween cleanings, his wheel gets covered in smeared poop. My vet told me to whipe it down when its dirty with clorox wipes. She said its safe and uses it on her birds. I found this a bit odd only because you do not rinse it after you wipe something down, so the fluid and fumes are still strong. He likes to nap on his wheel and will put his face right on it, is it safe to use these wipes with his face so close to the fumes? If this isnt safe, what type of cleaning product is? What does everyone use for antibacterial / disinfecting wipes/ products?