Paranormal Activity

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Super chin!
Jan 29, 2009
Okay so I know this movie is only released in selected cities, but I hope some of you have the chance to watch it. It was very heart-pounding and thriller scary. I did enjoy it, I thought the actors did a really good job portraying their roles. Overall it was a good movie!!
Now hopefully I can sleep without hearing creepy noises :neener:
Was it really as creepy as the trailer made it look? "Creepy" movies usually don't actually creep me out, so I am looking for a really good one. :D
Keith and I saw this tonight while waiting for Mish to get home. Ooooh my gosh! It was a little dumb/slow in the beginning, but the ending makes it so worth it! Talk about creepy!

"I think we'll be fine now"? Right! Dude shoulda got out while the gettin was good!
Ok so I downloaded the movie, and it wasnt all it was hyped up too be. I, of course, am a little disappointed. I am wondering if I downloaded a different version than everyone else is watching in the theatres because I read of an ending onling and if that was the true ending then I probably wouldve been satisfied with the movie. So for anyone who saw it can you pm me how yours ended.. Cuz what I saw sucked.
Yup the ending online (well most of the ones you will watch) is a different ending then the theatre ending. The movie was originally made in 2007 so I'm assuming they changed the ending to make it more scary.
I think its also scarier to see it in theatres then at home, the auidence just got me so into it!
Yup my ending definitely sucked. I was home alone and in the complete dark when I watched it last night and my house definitely has bumps in the night. The only part that gave me chills was the quija(sp? Sorry my phone isn't correcting it for me) board. I've seen scarier.

Abby don't get overly hyped I read some reviews where people were over hyped and went in the theatre with a prove to me attitude about the movie and it was awful for them.
Yup the ending online (well most of the ones you will watch) is a different ending then the theatre ending. The movie was originally made in 2007 so I'm assuming they changed the ending to make it more scary.

Steven Spielberg created the theater ending, and the director (I forget his name) created the 2007 ending.
I am a HUGE horror movie buff, and this movie scared the crap out of me in parts! The beginning is slow, but I think it is somewhat crucial to give the movie its somewhat realistic feel. If it had started super scary, there would have been no place to go from there.

I have seen both endings, and the ending they have in the theatre is by far the best. While initially appearing overly dramatic compared to the rest of the film, it was fitting since it was the next natural step based on the previous events. My husband doesn't scare easily, and he was freaked out on the way home (now he's got something else to worry about - demons).

If you're looking for the (sadly) all-too-typical gore-fest that has come to pass for cinema in the past few years, this film is not for you. However, if you're looking for a movie that builds suspense, creates an electrical atmosphere in a darkened theatre, and takes your breath away (from fear), this film is right up your alley!!
My husband said a guy he works with saw it and said it was awesome, but I've also heard that it's "blair witch" relived. And that was so stupid I couldn't even watch the whole thing... not something that happens often.
Riven, this is nothing like the Blair Witch aside from the fact it's filmed "naturally" and looks more like home video footage than professional. However, the video footage isn't wobbly or anything like that, for the most part, the camera is on a tripod the entire time, and when it IS carried around, Micah (who is usually doing the handling) doesn't make you motion sick. This actually has a plot to it!
I like ghost movies. It sounds awesome. I want to see it before it leaves the theaters. I always watch movies like that and then I'm scared to death at night for like a week! I'm like a little kid. The last time Sean and I watched a scary movie like that, I had to pee so bad but was too scared to go down the dark hall to get to the bathroom. I made him go with me and turn on the light. But, none the less, scary movies are my favorite!
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