PANR Show?

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My local feed store is in the process of ordering some PANR for me. The problem being that they are unfamiliar with it and asked me if I could use the Show version.

Anyone use this? I tried to give her as much info as possible but if she cannot find it with the name I am at a loss.
hi - I use PANR show - and my chins are thriving on it. I switched over a year ago from Mazuri.
I use PANR Show, just remember it's the blue bag. I just picked up 2 - 50 lbs this morning.
Super! I am going to call them and let them know its in a blue bag and comes in 50# bags. Thanks everyone!
Yeap, PANR Show is the way to go. Its a great feed and I've seen improvement in every one of my chins since I changed from Tradition. Two of my chins have gotten up to 1000g from 700g in as little as 2-3 months.
Wow... now I am actually getting excited. They order it from the mill in Tampa and I can pick it up the same day. whoohooo.. I am hoping that means a good mill date as well.