PANR is working amazingly!

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Since switching over to PANR, Lily is constantly over at her food bowl, she is more active and has an overall healthier aura, even at three-months I could tell there was a difference from how she was before the switch.

Just posting so other people who are thinking about switching to PANR know that it really is as amazing as a lot of people claim it is.

Woot! :dance3:
I have had nothing but great things with PANR. My tiny rescue has (as in 400ish grams when we got him) is almost at 700 now. He out eats every one of the other chins. Apparently he likes it. :p
I've tried Mazuri about 2 yrs ago and switch because of the cost. I'm using PANR which is a lot cheaper. They love it.
I switched to PANR several months ago... while I don't see anything fabulous going on, I don't have any complaints either!
I've been feeding PANR for several years. I did see a significant weight gain all around when I first switched as I was having problems with most of the herd not eating Mazuri. My only complaint is that the feed store frequently runs out. :)
There are several of us on the forum who sell it. You can get it at a feed store but it only comes in 50 lb. bags. I sell it for $.60 a lb. + shipping. I can fit 3 lbs. into a flat rate shipping envelope for $4.95 or 11 lbs. in a flat rate box for $10.35. It's definitely more cost effective to go with the larger box, but if you are just wanting a smaller amount to see what you think, the envelope option is always there as well.
Grumbles I have a question. What was your feed before the switch? My guys are using Mazuri right now and the whole herd is down in gram weight. The bags are fresh (25lb) and I can't explain it. I've used it for years without the weight loss. So I found a feed store that is going to order PANR for me. Looking forward to the switch.
Oh, I just had crap Nutriphase plain pellet.
She ate it, but not nearly as much/fast as this PANR is going down.
Only problem is I have a 50 lb bag for 1 chin. So if anybody wants some, we can probably work something out.

PM me. :dance3:
My only complaint is that the feed store frequently runs out. :)

Tell me about it. I think we probably get it from the same place. I now make sure I have 2 extra bags at all times! Not to mention the fact we probably pay $5-7 extra a bag compared to everyone else. It's worth it though.
My feed store doesn't carry it at all, I just know that I have to call Friday morning to get them to order it so I have it in on Wednesday.
If I switch over to PANR from Mazuri, will that help my chins gain weight?
I checked that Mazuri still has higher protein content than PANR.
Ippo - my whole herd gained 15-20% when I made the switch! And it was froma Mazuri/Calfmanna mix!
I don't know that the protien has anything to do with it - seems the combination of ingredients makes it more palatable, therefore they eat more!
I've never heard anyone say they had a bad bag, or a bad batch, either! [unlike Mazuri!] Or had chins get diarhea! [often with Mazuri]
If I switch over to PANR from Mazuri, will that help my chins gain weight?
I checked that Mazuri still has higher protein content than PANR.

That's the thing with chins, you don't want the higher protein. Lower protein and higher fiber.
So does this mean many people would recommend switching from Mazuri to PANR? Would it increase the size of her poops? Tribble's are long but a little skinny, and sometimes inconsistent. But her vet says she's great. What about Oxbow?
Oxbow is also a good food, but is expensive and my chins honestly wouldn't eat it. Some love it though.

So which one would you recommend, Oxbow or PANR? Price really isn't any issue if it will benefit Tribble.
My chins were on Mazuri all their life. Their poo has always been a little soft, but I didn't think it was anything bad because they didn't have diarrhea or anything.

I switched to PANR and their poo is a little smaller and harder. They also eat more! I don't weigh them everyday so I can't say anything about weight gain, but they defiantly eat more!

If I don't fill their food every single day it will be empty and full of poos!
Some one tell me again what that stands for Purena something something Rabbit right? I'm feeding my Stitch Mazuri and he eats ok I guess. When I took him to the vet a couple weeks ago he weighted 680grams. Is that an OK weight? When I got him last year he was eating pet store food.