Oxbow Botanical Hay

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Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone has used this stuff for their chins. My guy gradually stopped eating the Timothy hay about a year or so ago, and has stopped eating it altogether at this point. I have no clue why, but he has no interest in it whatsoever. So I've been giving him alfalfa cubes, which he loves, but I figured it'd be better if he was eating something else in addition. So today I saw the Oxbow botanical hay, which I've never seen previously, and he seems to really like it. Is this a good alternative to the timothy since he won't even touch it?
i have used the botanical hay, more so as a treat. maybe you shuld try another batch or brand of the timonthy hay.
My guy gradually stopped eating the Timothy hay about a year or so ago, and has stopped eating it altogether at this point. I have no clue why, but he has no interest in it whatsoever.t?

Has the consistency of the hay changed at all? A few days ago I bought a bag that turned out to be soft (and a bit smelly). The boys refused to eat it completely. I wasn't able to get out to the store and exchange it until today, so I'm happy to say they are omnomnoming happily.

I also grabbed a bag of Oxbow Orchard Grass because I wanted something as backup (they don't like oat hay) in case they refused the new hay too. I don't remember if it is good to feed them or not, though.
Orchard grass is softer than timothy hay but it's fine to feed it to your chin every day. You can also try mixing it with some timothy hay.