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Kung Fu Chinny!
Jan 30, 2009
Dallas/Fort Worth, TX
Since I've moved to this new house I've been followed by owls when I walk at night. Last night I counted 7. They aren't afraid of me, they're still there when I come back by so I took my camera out and snapped some pictures.

I was quite surprised to find that they weren't even bothering to watch me, I pass within 6' of those mailboxes...

Anyone know what type these are? They're quite chatty, hoot a lot and make a cackle/primate sound.


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Congratulations, you have a barred owl (i.e., yes, Peggy was right ;P). They can be a bit, uh, temperamental in captivity. :p
Oh my goodness! Im obsessed with owls! I would be SO happy to have one living around us, which i suppose im sure some do, but i never happen to see them, only hear. =[

So cool!
What a beautiful bird!

My husband and I have had a couple of close encounters with owls including an older baby that was resting on the ground in my backyard. I called the local owl expert and she said to place in on a lower limb and mom will come for it. She was right. They are magnificent creatures.
We hear a couple of owls throughout the day where I live. I keep thinking they should be sleeping during the day...I also love owls and love to listen to them.
Wow, amazing pics! We used to live on a farm in BFE Minnesota, and my mom somehow had an great horned owl that was nearly blind, so he could not hunt. My mom was in vet school, and knew this somehow and he would come to her each night for some meat. My mom could not handle using mice or rats, so she would scrape road kill (yes, you read correctly) from the roads and feed the owl! Imagine being like 4 and having your mom pull the car over to "get food for Mr. Hooters" (I named him, no one told me it meant ****ies!). He was such an amazing owl, he was so big, it was crazy watching him swoop down and get the food. We moved and I don't know what happened to him.
We have these massive white owls out here, that when it snows, you really have to look to see them. They are so incredible when they fly. When they take off, before they get up to speed, they stay maybe a foot or so off the ground, skimming along. They are just magnificent.

A couple pictures, the last one because how could you resist that face? LOL


http://www.wildliferanger.com/users/www.wildliferanger.com/upload/Snowy Owl.JPG
We use this cd of various animal sounds to call in owls for the kids at camp. It's SO COOL when you can get 5-7 owls circled up around you, calling to each other!
Thanks Peggy! I think they do a good job of keeping down the small mammals/bugs here. I've seen a lot of june bugs, but not much of the other large stuff the city gets this time of year.

I took six pictures of the first owl, sanding there that close. It didn't care, that's what surprises me about them.
Owls are cool but being followed by 7 I would think would be kinda creepy.