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Need a dusting?
Jun 16, 2009
Upstate NY
I found a mating plug in my breeding pair's cage on November 22nd. Calculated 111 days ahead and her due date was set for March 13th.
Well, it's been three days past and I'm slightly worried. This would be my females second litter so I'm watching her like a hawk.
I have a feeling I'm just being a worrywart so I would like to ask some members on how long their pregnant chinnies have held out on them.
Please share your stories and I'm all ears for advice from veteran breeders. :))
I don't have any input on the time question but if I think my females are approaching the end I typically give them a good dust bath for a day or two in a row - works like a charm.
I think I remember that the due date could go to 120 days. Also just because you found a mating plug doesn't mean absolutely that it 'took'
Thanks for the responses!
I'll try your technique VolunteerChin22, might move things around in there. ;)
Thank you for the information Mt. Zion Chins! However, I do believe the pregnancy took since she has been gaining weight steadily and when I gently put my fingers on her belly I do feel kicking and rolling around as I had with her first pregnancy.
She may have gotten pregnant weeks after you found the mating plug. Not all plugs mean pregnancy and not all matings you will find the plug. And 111 days is a guidline it is closer to 111-120 days just like in people babies come early and babies go late
I've found plugs before only to not have that pairing never have babies for me. Plugs mean that they have successfully mated and not that they necessarily conceived. Gestation seems to go from about 105 to 120 days around here....sometimes you have to wait awhile.

Like Kristy said, she may have gotten pregnant a month later after you found the plug. It happens that way sometimes.
Also, not every plug is a mating plug. They produce a plug every month as a part of their heat cycle, mating plugs are longer - that is if you find them before they begin eating them.
I put one pair on November the 9th, and she is pregnant too, and she still has not delivered, so who knows when she really got pregnant from this male, so it could be anytime, I usually could tell that they have like a month left or so, if I start feeling some kicks, but if there is no signs, she might just have a lot of time to go.
Thanks for the information everyone! I really do appreciate it. :)

Her last pregnancy I believe was as perfect as one could get. Went smoothly, delivered a day before her due date and I was able to catch the whole birth. I doubt I will get to witness it this time since I know pregnant chins are really sneaky when they go into labor and some breeders have never even seen a live birth.

I can still feel some kicks but unlike her first pregnancy I was able to actually see the kits rumbling around in there. It could still be way to soon or as I have read on one thread, some pregnancies may not have the visible kicks.