Over heat

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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2009
I was just wondering if people can tell me some common signs of a chinchilla who is over heating.

i dont think my chinchilla is overheating at all right now, but i am just asking for the more educated chinchilla owners to tell me what they know about this topic.
thank you!

p.s. ****** my chinchilla was just moved from my basement to my bedroom.. which has a slightly warmer temperature (but nothing that would over heat him..) i bought a "chin chiller" granite thing..should i keep this in his cage so that he can access it whenever he wants? OR should i keep it out of the cage.. and place it in there when i feel it is a bit warmer in my room??******
The very first thing I would do is get a digital thermometer for your bedroom. You can't judge temp/humidity by feeling alone. It may feel ok to you, but not to your chin.

Signs of overheating:
rapid or shallow breathing
tongue and gums bright red
bright red ears with blood vessels engorged
thick, stringy saliva
rectal temperature 103 degrees F or above
rapid pulse/heart beat greater than 125
lying on their side, and not responding to movement close by

Taken from http://www.greenwoodchinchillas.co.uk/overheating.htm
I am moving this to an appropriate forum, as the emergency section is for actual emergencies, not for signs of what an emergency might look like.