Out of food... HELP!!!

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I live on Crete, Greece and had found a vet/pet store that has agreed to carry chinchilla food for us and it has worked out quite well until now. They are out, and so am I!! I went the weekend without any and they said to check back tonight. They still don't have any.

I gave them some Musli to get by over the weekend but they don't seem to be eating much of it.

I do have a rabbit with plenty of rabbit pellets. Is the food similar enough to give them that???? I'm stuck without any other options until the store gets more food or I order some and wait for it to get here.

and what type of rabbit pellet are you feeding your rabbits???

because a lot of members feed their chins HIGH quality rabbit pelllet, usually a show quality pellet.
Ugh... I don't have the package anymore since I put their food in food bins. It's a German brand of food that they all seem to LOOOOVE! I do have hay!! Will that be enough to get them through???
Definitely lots of hay. maybe next time you can post the ingredients of the both the rabbit and the chin food??
personally, if it was me, i would try the rabbit pellets. its just too bad you dont have any of the chin food to mix in, since i would worry about GI distress. maybe you can add a little acidolpholous until you get them back on their regular pellet???
oh and i wouldnt feed them muesli. i would defintiely choose the rabbit pellet over that if the feed store wont have it in for a while.
If it's not going to take long to get the pellets they normally eat in, just give them lots of hay and don't worry about pellets. It's not really a good idea to just give them another pellet until you get their normal ones- lots of switching can cause their bellies to become upset and do more harm than good. They will be fine with just hay for a couple of days.
Thank you!!!!! I'll try a little of the rabbit pellet and lots of hay.
you're all awesome for answering so quickly. thank you. I just gave them a HUGE pile of hay.
I would introduce the rabbit pellets slowly along with the hay.If the rabbit feed is decent & available more than the chin food I would keep them on the pellet.I have been feeding a quaulity rabbit feed for years with great results.If you have a few animals you might want to check Ryersons chinchillas website.They have feed available along with other supplies.But your chins do need pellets a.s.a.p.
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