Our logs are too big, any ideas?

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Thanks for your input AZ. We just happen to have a whole spool, like a hundred miles of the electric fence wire. It seems very sturdy. It doesn't have a label on it anymore, so don't know the guage, but it is thick. Jeff is out in the shop working on another prototype using the dowels covered in a variety of chews, makes it very sturdy. He just brought it in to show me and I really liked it. Now he's taken 2 eyehooks out and is going to make it hang somehow without the leather. Do you think if this wire is sturdy, it will be safe to use as a hanger? Can we use it? We will just be using about 10" between the eyehooks. Otherwise it will probably be a week before we go back into town since we live in the boonies.
I don't know about the eye hook thing - just another accident looking for a place to happen, IMO.
I'd drill a small hole, put the wire through, pulling maybe 1/2 inch through. Bend it at a 90 degree angle and hit it with a couple of staples!
Being on the bottom, they won't even know it's there. And with a small hole,they won't get a grip, either!