OUCH! Warning about hay racks!

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Okay folks,I need to post this but I haven't notified the company that made these yet,so I will not name them.A couple of month(s) ago I decided to switch to using the metal hay racks that fit outside of the cage(like the rabbit folks use). I finally actually put them on the cages about two weeks ago.I absolutely love them.That is until yesterday!I was doing a chin room cleaning(cages,moving out and sweeping etc. I accidentally bumped the top edge while I was sweeping and literally sliced the back of my elbow open!I knew I was going to need stitches so I spent the rest of the afternoon at urgent care getting it fixed up.Took four stitches and glue!Needless to say all of those hayracks came off the cages last night before any of my boys cut themselves.I really do like the ability to stuff the hay in rack outside of cage and they weren't wasting as much as with the terra cotta pots.Just wanted to shout out a warning if you use those type hay racks!I shoulda listened when you said you still preferred the hay bags Crysta! :cry3:
We noticed the sharp edges on them when we got them - The top tabs were too long for us anyway so we doubled them back on themselves and then bent them to hold onto the cages. The bottom ones were too wide so we just bent them up inside and ignore them.

Still wouldn't trade them for anything - when you can hay 15 cages in a few minutes!
Ouch! I agree about the metal. I sliced the right side of my hand on a metal carrier trying to get my chin out, it wouldn't stop bleeding for a long time.
The hay hang boxes that I have don't use metal tabs,they have the wire that runs through/clips over bars. I agree,I love the things for ease of feeding the hay. I just think I still need to contact the manufacturer and let them know.It could easily be made alot safer if they could bend over the raw edges and crimp or rivet them.Like the Bass liners are.I know even when I order the Bass pans with the cut out for upper level,I still ground/smoothed a few really sharp places.I may still put them back in use if I can use my router and groove out a pine edge protector.;)
Yes, they look exactly like that.They are not from Bass though.I plan on contacting the company tomorrow and give them a heads up for the safety issue on them.I know "everyone" uses these for rabbits or something similar.I just did not expect the sharp edges outside being a danger to me.:)
I wonder if you could get that thick colored duct tape, and tape the outside edges facing you? I really should look into something though. I have some feeders that dispense only 2-3 pellets at a time that hang on the outside, and need love anything that makes feeding easier! But with you safely is an issue since I'm on blood thinners and have to be careful.
They hay holder I have is actually plastic, which I know is bad but the only part that is inside the cage is the two tabs that connect the holder to the wires. Leo has nibbled on them as like a "test nibble" but hasn't chewed on them since. Therefore I'm not worried.
I emailed the company just to let them know about safety concerns.Haven't heard anything back from them though.I really don't expect anything as far as returning/repayment for the racks or anything.I just wanted to give them a heads up that the edges are a safety issue and I hope they do something to improve the design.My elbow is healing up but I have to be careful now because of course it's right where I put my elbow down when sewing,keyboarding,eating etc.Thanks for asking though.Hopefully they can take the stitches out next week,Dr wants 10-14 days since it is where I flex the arm at and it was deep enough to need stitches and glue.
Wood racks!

I just bought some hay racks from RDZC Ranch and put them in last night, the Chins LOVE THEM!!!

New Hay Rack.jpg

And it supports our local community!!
Yes she has great hayracks.I just can't seem to keep up with beavers going through the dowels quickly(even tried poplar).The company finally acknowledged my email and gave the usual generic-we will look into your concern-reply. I don't think they were very concerned about chin/pet/owner safety as I am probably just one klutz who expressed concern.I'll believe their concern when I see them correct the problem with the edges on their product.Until then I won't support their company or products even for rabbits.Since they are aware of the problem I feel okay saying the racks were from Klubertanz Equipment Company. I had no problem with ordering,recieving,or the product other than the edges.Like I said though, I am a klutz!