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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2010
As some of you no i rescued 2 chins last night.Ok i woke up dismorning i found fur all in my old chins cage do they sent the new chins.????????/
Are the new chins quarantined in a separate area of your house, away from your previous chins?

Yes, new chins can upset a previous pair of chins and cause them to fight. If you found fur, you need to separate them before it becomes worse and they end up doing damage, or even killing one another. Check both of them over for bite wounds. Blow in all of their fur, it helps you see the skin that the fur could be hiding.
the new chins are away there not in the same cage..................my old chin Chilly is like the man of the house he has fur in areas of the cage its all white hair so its from him
I didn't mean in the same cage...are they in the same room? New chinchillas should be quarantined for at least 30 days in a separate area of the house.

You still need to separate, it doesn't matter who's doing the chasing. The males may have sensed that there was a female in the area and fought over that, or just the scent of a new chin caused them to become aggressive. Or, it could just be coincidence and they just decided they didn't like each other anymore and began fighting. Fur all over the cage is a big sign to separate before things become worse.
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