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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2009
Just wondering, are there any other animals that hedgies are ok with being around? I was just thinking, say if I got a hedgie and a cat too, would the hedgie be bothered if a cat was around it? Meaning, the two would be separated of course, the hedgie being in his own cage and all, but would he be disturbed?
This depends on the animal and the hedgehog. The general feeling around here is that hedgehogs and dogs are a no-no. I've had moderate success with an OLD Persian cat of mine bonding with Truffles. Whatever kind of animal you introduce the hedgehog to, it should be very calm and pose no threat to your hedge. I've seen a few threads like this on other boards and generally owners decide not to mix hedgies and other animals. They're solitary animals so naturally you have to be ready for them to want to be alone.
I have hedgies, cats and dog and numerous other little critters and my hedgies are not disturbed by any of them. They have their own room of course and it is shut and locked during the day so my cats and dog do not disturb them. When I have any of the hedgies out, I supervise the cats and dog to make sure no one is harmed. Normally what I do is put the cats away because they always want to sample the food or new treats I put out for the crew. My dog could care less about the hedgehogs. Chinchilla poop is what she is interested in :)
Either way, it's our responsibility to make sure ALL of the animals in our homes are safe and sometimes that means safe from the other animals.
I've seen pictures of hedgies snuggling with both cats and dogs... so I know it's possible for mixed species to get along.

Better safe than sorry though in my opinion. If one knows her animal is aggressive with others, best not to try to mix playtime.
You really can't say much except it depends on the animal. You may have the worlds's most loving cat but that doesn't change how the hedgie reacts to it.
My first hedgie used to sleep sometimes at play time with my lab, while he gave a look like, help me, what is this thing?, many years ago. My current group ignore the dog, but follow the cats around. It's up to the animal, but all need supervision. If they are housed seperately, in different rooms, and the cages are fully enclosed, you should be fine.
We have 6 cats, 1 a kitten, and have rescues and rehomes living in my living room, dining room or sewing room more often than not. When a new hedgie comes into the house the cats sit like vultures around the cage for about an hour. Then the thrill wears off and the cage with hedgehog ceases to exist in their minds. The rest of the hedgehogs are in their own room with door always closed. We also have a screen door made using hardware cloth, so the room can get ventilation without curious cats.

The only interaction my hedgehogs get with the cats is while the hedgehogs are sitting on me and on occasion a cat will join us. Otherwise, I don't take the risk.
My dog Conan never really bothers Carmen, he sees the spikes.
He is curious, but has never bitten, growled, scratched, or threatened any of my small animals.
I had mice, and he never tried to hurt them; same with my hedgehog, but I still supervise when he is around. =3