I like dinosaurs :3
Dear little Orson. You were the sweetest little boy anyone could ever ask for. You never ever bit me, ever--your nibbles reminding me that you wanted to be put down were the softest nibbles a chin could give. You were just so sweet...I am going to miss you more than words can express. I love you so much. You know how hard I tried to save you, you fought for me, I know. I am glad you aren't in pain any longer. I imagine you in a big field of grass, which I never got to introduce you to, with lots of pretty little chin girls to be friends with. There are raisins everywhere for you, and lots of carrots too. I hope you get to experience this and more.
Again I am so sorry for you, my dear. I messed up, I really did, and I love you so much, and it hurts thinking about what happened, and the pain you were in. :cry3:
Do you remember when I would blow in your face, and you would stick your face through the bars of the cage and try to lick me? I think that is absolutely my favorite memory of you. Second would be after handing you a raisin, you would take my finger in your fuzzy little paws and sniff it and lick it, holding it while you chewed your raisin. Having your little hands wrapped around my finger is something I will miss dearly. Your whiskers tickling my face, and your strange habit of putting your paws on my lips, as if to tell me to 'shh'...those things will forever be cherished in my mind. You are an angel Orson. I love you. You were the best boy there ever was. The best *chin* there ever was. No one could ask for a better friend in a chinchilla.
I miss you.
Love, always and forever, Mommy
Again I am so sorry for you, my dear. I messed up, I really did, and I love you so much, and it hurts thinking about what happened, and the pain you were in. :cry3:
Do you remember when I would blow in your face, and you would stick your face through the bars of the cage and try to lick me? I think that is absolutely my favorite memory of you. Second would be after handing you a raisin, you would take my finger in your fuzzy little paws and sniff it and lick it, holding it while you chewed your raisin. Having your little hands wrapped around my finger is something I will miss dearly. Your whiskers tickling my face, and your strange habit of putting your paws on my lips, as if to tell me to 'shh'...those things will forever be cherished in my mind. You are an angel Orson. I love you. You were the best boy there ever was. The best *chin* there ever was. No one could ask for a better friend in a chinchilla.
I miss you.
Love, always and forever, Mommy