Opinions on vet?

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New member
May 10, 2014
New Jersey
I recently adopted a chinchilla from my job. When we received him he was in very bad condition. He had kidney failure and was on a ton of medications that needed to be given at a certain time every day. The vet recommended that he only should be given botanical hay, Timothy and critical care. He has since recovered greatly but she still believed he should only be fed hay And no pellets. The problem I'm having is I feel like he's always so hungry. I feel guilty because I feel like the hay is not enough. I have to feed my other chinchilla the pellets outside the cage cause if he gets to the bowl he gets alittle food aggressive. The vet said she only feeds hay because she feels that pellets are in their natural diet. I just wanted to know other chinchilla owners opinions of this.
I have done a hay only diet and it did not produce the results expected-it sucked for the chin. Is the reason for the hay only diet because the vet wants it or do you need a really low protein diet because of the kidney damage? If you need low protein and fat, then try american pet diner timmothy pellets. If its because the vet thinks its a great idea forget it, feed a high quality pellet.