Oooooh, nothings better than a good scritch.

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Jax Chinchilla Rescue
Jan 29, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Chula enjoying his scritchens.


So good he has to smile about it.


"First you wake me up..."


"Then you put that flashy thing in my eyes! Now you shall see only my rumpus." Poor Buttons. So cranky.


Ignore all the poos. I'm cleaning their cage tonight. I swear!
Awe, poor cranky Buttons! Chula is adorable smiling, too cute.
Awe, poor cranky Buttons! Chula is adorable smiling, too cute.

I think he was sleeping when I started taking pictures of Chula. The flash probably woke him up. :( My bad. The second I went down to him and he saw the camera, he ran away and hid in the corner like that. I don't think he likes the flash.

He's normally not that cranky, I promise!
We're all kind of cranky when we are awakened...! :) We'll forgive Buttons for that. And a good scritch is always priceless...
awwwwwwww how cute lol i love the smile! its adorable and priceless!!! buttons just wasn't ready for his photo shoot yet! LOL
Buttons is never ready for a photoshoot. You can see from the picture though that his fur is starting to get better which is always a good thing. He was looking really scruffy when I first got him. He's also gained over 60 grams!
I just love the fact you used rumpus for that caption. It makes me giggle. Chula looks very pleased...Buttons was still adorable albeit upset.