Online supplier of Oxbow Chinchilla pellets?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I'm currently in the process of switching my girls to Oxbow food. Right now they are on Mazuri. I currently buy 10 pound bags for $16 at a locally owned pet store. I was wondering if anyone sold it in bulk, or knew of any cheaper online suppliers?
that's actually not a bad deal, considering the 5 pound bag at petsmart is $15 for me up here, and i think it's the same price in the States too.

i also get the 10 pound bag at a local 'mom n pop' type store. $15. same as what i'd get half the amount of pellets for at petsmart.

my two boys go through that 10 pound bag in a few months (they are pellet hogs! lol), so when you break down the monthly cost of a 10 pound bag, that's only $5 a month for pellets, approximately. pretty cheap i'd say.
PetFoodDirect carries Oxbow Chinchilla pellet 50 lbs for $66.

that's $13.20 for each 10 pounds, plus the shipping to get a 50 pound bag of food to you would put you over the current $16 per 10 pounds you are paying now locally.

a 50 pound bag would go stale much sooner than you could use it up, you'd have to split it with somebody, or donate the amount you are not likely to use in a few months to a rescue.

not trying to shoot down your idea/search for cheaper pellets, but for just two chins, it makes sense to buy the 10 pound bag, because you want to use it up within a few months of buying it.
I'm actually feeding four chins :) I have my two boys (Terrance and Phillip) who already eat Oxbow, and my girls (Marika and Mira) who eat the Mazuri. Thanks for the info! I'll just stick with the local pet shop then. The Mazuri is much cheaper by me, but I like the oxbow better for my chins. has oxbow 10lbs for $14.44 on sale right now. They give discounts to new customers, you just have to google coupon codes.