one or two chins?

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I have had my chin for about a week i can scratch him and building his trust if i got another one would he not want me no more?

Many times when a chin has a cagemate, it will bond better with it's cagemate than with it's human owner. Having only had this chin for one week if you get another chin you'll have to have a 30 day quarantine period and intro slowly before putting them together. You also stand a chance the two chins will not live harmoniously together. This is a decision only you can make--but single chins do most often bond with the their human owner better than multiple chins as they tend to bond with the cage mate or cage mates.
I agree with Laurie and Essentia, I would hold off on getting another chin until you have bonded well with your current one, and some chinchillas like being by themseves anyway. Later on if they seem lonely you could get them a friend but for now I would wait until you and your new chin have a strong relationship.