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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2011
Annie and Handbag sent the trio their new "boyfriend"...a chocolate chinchilla who I've named Chewbacca :p They really love him, but Scully is OBSESSED. She carries him around everywhere, and even threw him into the caddie today...I think she wanted to drive off into the sunset with him :D I've taken loads of photos, but I think this one is especially cute, so I wanted to share it. Notice any similarities? :neener:

This is what I think and really you can't blame Scully at all. I think Chewbacca is a cowboy! Yep she is powerless against his cowboy charm and swagger! Who wouldn't want to carry him off into the sunset????!
LOL! I think you may be right! They are in the playpen right now without Chewbacca and I think she is pining for him... :p
Scully & Chewbacca sitting in a tree..........
i made the mistake of having the laptop near Rhino while viewing this thread. now he wants a Chewbacca too! he tried to convince me he needed a Chewbacca and a Scully, but i said NO SCULLY FOR YOU! :rofl:
LOL! Thanks everyone :). Last night she was actually sleeping on top of him in the hammock...wish I could have gotten a picture but she jumped up when she sensed my presence :p.