Oh the joys of pairs.

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
My boys like to steal from each other. It's mainly Bryson who steals from Ande. For example: when they get half a shreddie, Bryson scarves his down, and Ande enjoys his. When Bryson is done with his, he walks over and snatches it from either Ande's hands or even mouth. Same thing with hay. When they are munching on it and Ande finds a piece he likes, all of a sudden Bryson wants that piece also and steals it from Ande. :hair: it's like having a couple of kids that don't understand manners.

Also, does anyone know if Mesquite wood or Palo Verde wood is ok? Just asking. Figured if it's in the yard and safe, why not save a bit. I mean, I get cholla for free :)
I'm not sure about the woods being safe but I hear ya on the "not sharing" and "stealing", lol! The worst was when I would give them some Lifeline off the spoon, they were both trying to pull the spoon away from me and for a second I thought I was going to get bit, ooh those bad boys!
My boys are the same, but they're both equally greedy! If one has a toy, the other has to have it. They also steal eachother's sticks, even if they already have one. Fatso is greedier over treats, though, and Figs is greedy about his dust bath. He has to get his dust bath first, because if Fatso gets in before him, Figs will jump in and push him out.. which always makes me laugh :)
I got Pia at the begining of the summer and after quarentine then intros went great. Nyx being twice the size of Pia didn't so much dominance hump her as dominance cuddled her her. No humping just layed on Pia. Since then they were in seperable. When I would put in new hay Nyx would pull a piece out hand it to Pia and then get her own, it was quite sweet. *fingers crossed* I just hope it stays that way as Pia approaches puberty...
The mesquite won't work with the chins. It's not very safe for them. I'm not sure about palo verde though. There's only a couple in my yard and I just never tried it.

A stolen treat tastes better. That's what the chins tell me.
My boys steal from each other, it's actually pretty funny. I make sure everyone gets an even amount though, I watch them until their treats are gone :) They constantly steal chew sticks, even when I put 2 in there.