Oh Texie my boy; why the sniffles?

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super-duper hedgiepig
Jan 29, 2009
Little boy was a bit fuffy with me starting three nights ago. As it could have been anything - my shirt smelled wrong (we did start using different dryer sheets), nails were a touch long (cut them), had to sleep in a less favored hedgiebag - and there were no other signs of anything out of the ordinary, we embarked on a course of watchful waiting.

Last night, little guy sneezed machine gun style: 'choo, choo, choo, choo, choo! This morning his pretty little nose was a touch wet/drippy. By noon, he showed off little bubbles at the vet's. Happily, his lungs were/are clear.

We'll know what's going on in a few days -- Got him swabbed for a culture & sensitivity. That's where she earned her pay for the day as even the "micro-swab" is giant size for him. He did a very good job of not balling up. I felt like a proud hedgiemommy. Little guy should win an award.

Send the little fella some positive healthy vibes!
OH NO! I can only imagine how scared you must be. I hope and pray it is allergy and not a repeat of his past infection.

Of course, today, two sneezes and nose looks dry. He's messing with me!!!

And, yes, definitely concerned about a recurrence.
Behaviorally, he looked great this morning. Decorated his wheel overnight. Did well during foot bath and snuggle time. His nose was a touch wet, but within broad norms. On the less good side, he sneezed a bit.

I'll probably hear about his culture results late today or tomorrow at the earliest.

Either way, little guy has had a great summer. Good health, plenty of playtime and snuggles. And I'm thankful for that.
Update: little guy's C&S took awhile. He has staph, strep, & enterococcus. Fortunately, this staph is not MRSA. He's been on two antibiotics since Tuesday night.

He's doing a good job of snuggling and running with just a little tummy upset.
Are his sniffles getting better? He needs lots more extra mommie cuddle time to combat all of that.
Not sure if sniffles are improving.

Thing is, before treatment, he'd have a runny nose, look fine the next, sneeze a bunch the next, look fine for two days, have a runny nose for three days, sneeze the next day, look fine for another few days, etc... So it's really hard to judge if changes are due to meds or if he's just going through the looks okay, doesn't look okay cycle.

He did sneeze on me last night. Nailed my arm with little hedgie spray. Fortunately, he's small, I love him, and was able to consider it adorable.
Somebody has his spunk back!!!!

Little boy was so enthusiastic this morning. Once he was dry (post footbath), he was unstoppable.

It was an absolute joy to see him so lively. It was less great to try and get meds in him. I had to scruff him... which only barely works as he is so small, strong, and squirmy. He cussed me up one side and down the other as he strong-armed the oral syringes away. I think we managed to get maybe half his meds in him; the remainder are on him.

Little boy... momma loves you.