Officially Done! NEW CAGE PICS!!!

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ok so the girl's cage is finally done! im so excited!!
let me know what you think of it :)


the other half of the bottom

top of the cage

the whole cage
It looks great!!! I can see your chinnie shredding that pink bed in no time. I have those for my ferrets and they are filled with fluff - just make sure that she doesnt eat any of it. Sorry don't mean to be a downer - but it looks wonderful!!!!
Your cage setup looks great! You'll have some very happy chins! Just one thought, make sure you don't leave the dust bath in the cage full time. It only gets used a few times a week and leave it out for about 10 minutes. Good job on the cage!
I like your cage, but if it were me, I would take all the wire out and replace with wood shelves, and get rid of the ramps. They make me nervous. But I do like it, very spoiled!!!
Very nice setup!

Is your hidey house made from plywood? If it is, it really should be removed and replaced with solid KD pine. The glue that they make plywood with is toxic.
I do not think you can take out the wire shelves and ramps. I do have a similar cage for quarantine, and they are not removable. I covered the shelves with Alli's fleece comforters but I couldn't do much about the ramps. They didn't use them much anyways.

The cage looks good. You've got some good advice and suggestions.
The cage looks great and they are some very spoiled chins! The ramps and shelves are fine b/c you have plenty of places for them to rest their feet on. You really shouldn't leave the dust bath in full time though, only for about 10 minutes a couple times a week. Sugarmomma is right though, if the hidey house is plywood it should be removed b/c the glue used to hold the thin pieces of board together is highly toxic. If a chin ingests that it will kill them. We just don't want you to have to go through that heart ache. Other than that it is freaking awesome!!!
Eric: the concern about the ramps and things come from reports on CnQ of chins getting their feet stuck in them and being suspended.

Wire cutters could knock the shelves/ramps out if you were really concerned about it ( I know I would be ) but most probably don't have any problems using either. I would put a couple of leapin' ledges just for hoppy pleasures :p
Rachel- I love this cage! It is adorable! And I agreee with "HamNCheese" I cant show this to my girls either....they would envy Jazzie, Sophie and Kiwi to no end. *gigglez* But this cage is awesome and I absolutely LOVE the colors of the fleece! Did you make all the pine ledges??? But to get to the did a WONDERFUL/BEAUTIFUL job on this cage. You are very creative! (:) Keep up the good work! And i wouldnt take out the house just make sure they dont try to chew at it....I see nothing wrong with this cage at all! I LOVE IT! *oops i think i already said that about 3 times* lol..ttyl
New mommy?--If the hidey house is plywood, it needs to come out for the safety of the chins. The glue is a known toxin, and the chins WILL chew on it.
I'm not sure what the house in question is made out of- but no, new mommy, plywood is not safe under any circumstances. It is toxic and will be harmful if ingested. I would never even dream of taking the risk of leaving plywood in the cage.

The cage does look nice, but I also would be worried about the ramps. I have read too many stories of people walking in to find their chins dangling upside down by their leg caught in a wire ramp, many times ending up in a chin with an amputated leg, or even worse, dead. I would not take the risk.
You can not get a chin to stop chewing on something. I didn't think mine were chewing on their ledges but I saw the evidence yesterday. If your asleep you can't help what they do. I would also take out the plywood and get something made of pine. I've seen some nice hidey-houses on sale from member's here or you can make your own.
just a quick point - if the house is plywood you wont be able to stop them chewing it - will you be getting up at 3-4am and say "dont u be chewing that house of yours" ? i doubt it - for best things i wouldnt use the plywood cause as sugs said it isnt suitable for them and the only way you could really stop them chewing it is by putting a cork over their teeth or a muzzle on teh chinnie - now i dont think the cork is a good idea cause if its been used in a wine bottle the chinnie could get drunk and they dont make a chinnie muzzle so best to take it out
Though it is best to remove ramps since chins are more inclined to jumping, these ramps have wire spacings so small I couldn't fit my pinky finger into them. Maybe because these chins are just babies and are very small? But I do know there is no way for an adult chin to get their feet into those holes. Ferret nation ramps, though, I can see how theyre hazardous as they have large openings width wise and if stepped on the right way, I can see how feetsies could get stuck.
New mommy?--If the hidey house is plywood, it needs to come out for the safety of the chins. The glue is a known toxin, and the chins WILL chew on it.

...I have that same house - dare I say - I bought it at Petsmart - I guess I should remove it - although it said it was chin safe....
I'm sorry, Jill. There are many things marketed for chins that simply are not safe. :( It's all about the money for these companies.
i took out the dust bath and made a fleece tube today in its place and too a ledge from the bottmom and moved it to the top to make room for the tube.
it looks kool