Official Secret Santa 2009

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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This is my first year participating so I'm very excited and I'd like to thank Stacie and Ash for taking a lot of their personal time to do ALL of the organizing and coordinating!
Once you send Stackie or Ash your info, they'll send that info to another Secret Santa participant. So, let's say I was tapped to be your Secret Santa; I'd get an email that says "Guilty by Design's chinchillas would like hanging chew toys." Then I would make or buy that gift, and have it sent to your address anonymously. Once you get your gift, you'd have to try to figure out who your Secret Santa is based on the clues about me you'd be sent. My understanding is that you can enter your chins, your hedgie, and even the dog and the hamster if you'd like, but the catch is that for as many pets as you enter, you do the same number of gifts going out. So, lets say I still lived in my old place and entered the chins, the dog, and the snakes. I'd have to send out 3 gifts total as a Secret Santa, and I'd get 1 gift per entry from 3 different people.

Make sense?
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You can really send it any way, whichever is cheapest. Unless of course the person has a PO Box, then you'd have to use the post office.

If you're worried about it, you could always have Stacie or Ash ask your person if they have a preference. Just make sure it doesn't have your name on the return address!
Glad to see some new people and returning participants!

Guilty, many suppliers on here will make up packages for SS, and/or you can purchase an SS gift through them and have it shipped directly. So, say you got someone who wanted a fleece corner house from Alli for their chins, you would place the order with Alli, and she would directly ship it to the person you are Santa to.
Yep, one easy way of doing the Secret Santa and keeping your identity secret is to order your present from someone, and they can ship it right to your recipient.

And many times, towards the holidays a number of people will put together little Christmas baskets which make it easy to pick something out for your person if you aren't sure what to get them.

Of course, if you're handy too you can make something for your person, but you just have to be sneaky as to how you send it so that they don't know right away who it came from :))
Just so everyone knows, you can PM me with your info too. Ash has had way more people than I have, we gotta split this up so we're not overloaded :D
Lol Stacie acts like I wouldn't share with her. She's just feeling left out :neener:

But we do still have plenty of space left! Let's make this more difficult than last year! So far we've only got about 20 people. There's thousands of ya on here! And it's not just for chin people. Hedgie people can join too.
Random question... are the chin and hedgie people going to be intermixed, or will they be separate? Just thinking I'd be better at picking out a gift for a fellow chin parent... :p