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The breeder I am going to offers a lot of hedgie products at a discounted price when you also buy one of her little guys. One product-an odor eliminator- is called Elimina. I have never really heard or read of hedgehogs having a significant odor (it says it can also be used for all other small mammals, too) so I was wondering about all your knowledgeable opinions on the subject.

Another thing, if they do have a significant odor that "needs" (a very subjective word IMO) to be covered up with a food additive such as Elimina, is it even SAFE???:unsure:

I would rather have to wear a gas mask:laughitup: around my little one then harm him.

Any thoughts/comments are very much appreciated! Thank you!
I know nothing about this Elimina stuff, but Hedgehogs themselves don't really have an odor. Their poop tends to smell though, if you don't clean their cage as often as needed. (I have to clean my hedgies wheel's daily)
Other than the fresh poop and pee from a night of running and pooping and running through the poopies, there really isn't much odor. I find it's easy enough just to pull out the wheels & wheel mats in the morning, toss them in the bathtub and let some hot water pour over them before wiping off the mess. And if hedgie is messy (poop boots), it's foot bath time.

I wouldn't bother with a food additive. To me, "stinky" = "time to clean" and failing to clean because it's not stinky means hedgie is still in a yucky environment.

I also don't know what an additive would do to their little bodies... I'd guess it would have to change how food is being digested/absorbed in order to produce less stinky poops??
Elimina is a good product used in the right way, A lot of Ferret owners use it on the cage to clean and in their water. Also If you have a sugar glider it works great on their cage to get rid of that musky odor which is natural in Sugargliders.
i ordered my Elimina - my adorable Huey stinks awful..if i can't get rid of the smell my husband is going to make me get rid of him..
I wouldn't use Elimina. The active ingredient is Anthium Dioxcide, which is basically chlorine dioxcide. You can read all about it here.

Notice the Caution Statement for Humans and Domestic Animals:

Harmful if swallowed or absorbed through the skin.

All this information was easily found in less than a minute by using google. I first Googled Elimina to find out about the product then googled Anthium Dioxcide, the active ingredient. Everyone needs to do more research on products before they blindly go ordering and using them.
And that's why we love Meanie.

What goes in, affects what comes out. No matter if it's a cat, dog, person, or hedgie. Quality foods are your friend.