Odd Chinny, Anyone else?

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2012
Texas, USA
As I become more familiar with my chinchilla, Eleanor, I'm starting to notice quirky little things about her..I've now noticed that, if my overhead light is on in my room at night she still sleeps. and if the light is off during the day she gets up and hops around her cage..At night she will sleep until I come in to go to be or it's play time...She's so silly...But I love her:hug2:Do your chins do this?
My girls have been home for two weeks now, and the one silly thing I've noticed is that Narcissa loves the TV. She will sit and watch it for an hour sometimes. Sometimes she even sits at the food dish and munches pellets while she's watching, lke she's a person with a bag of popcorn at the movies, lol. Every night when I go to bed, I turn off the TV and turn on the radio so the dogs and chins have some background noise. As soon as I get to the top of the steps, I hear her down here "barking" for a few minutes in what I'm asuming is her disapproval for my having turned off the TV. Silly chinnie.
Gizmo is the same as Eleanor. If the lights are on, he's most likely napping. If it's pitch black he is throwing things around his cage and jumping all over. Especially if I'm trying to sleep :p
daina, I just got my chinchilla and her name is bellatrix haha. I saw your chins name is narcissa and I laughed :)
Silver Chinreally likes to be under things......sometimes during playtime I sit against the wall with a blanket over my legs and he loves crawling under it to hide and try to climb up my back. He also really likes it if he is standing in the middle of the room and I drape a blanket over him, he will stay under it until I worry about him overheating or running out of air! He also plays the 'in and out game' which is when the second I sit on the ground next to his cage to sweep the shelves he runs up to me, jumps on my knee and leaps back into the cage, back onto my knee, back into the cage......and it goes on and on. Silly chin! My other two don't have any really weird things despite having radically different personalities.
i will wake up in the middle of the night. and ill check on benny and when i look over he will be in the corner of the cage staring at me watching me. it kinda creeps me out. but it's also cute. i guess he doesnt like when the tv turns off.
My boyfriend and I switched which end of the bed our heads are at because the chins were staring at while we were sleeping! It was really creepy! I thought only my boys would do something like that, glad to know we're not alone. The boys watch tv all the time too. My boys also refuse to sit on their hammocks, they will only sit under them with the fleece resting on their backs. Zoidberg also throws everything, and anything he can. The food bowl, the pumice stones, the hay, the sticks, and even my hand when he's had enough scritches.
I had to start turning out my lights about an hour before I wanted to go to bed because as soon as the lights go off, my little boy thinks it's play time, hahaha. He's also kind of strange because he LOVES my feet. Whenever he's out during play time, he spends about half the time jumping on, sitting on, and sniffing my feet. I love how quirky these little guys are!
My girl LOVES sitting on the stairs during playtime. If she isnt on the stairs, she's on the high chest or on top of her cage, just watching over the room. She doesn't like to be bothered when she's in "look out mod", not even to be pet. She has the funniest face when she's at one of her spots, she gets so serious! It's super cute, she loves to watch me cleaning her cage and doing other things around the room. She is definitely has a queenly personailty LOL.
The silly thing that my Rosey does is grab a pellet out of the bowl, bite it only once, then throw it down into her woodchips. So after a couple of days there's a small pile of half eaten pellets beside her bowl! I've never seen her eat an ENTIRE pellet!!