This is a short article I wrote awhile back on seizures- causes and symptoms.
Calcium seizure symptoms-tonic rigid bowed body with the nose curled towards the tail.
Low thiamine seizures-You will see trembling and paralysis, circling and then seizure activity. The main symptoms are the tremors, staggering, shakes, twitching types.
Low blood sugar seizure-The main symptom of this type of seizure is when the chin has been active and then collapses with mild shakes. The collapse and mild shakes are sudden and then the chin is limp.
Toxic seizures can be due to lead poisoning, mercury poisoning, carbon monoxide, or toxic fumes from just about any toxic-type, volatile substance. These seizures are violent and long lasting.
Mycotoxins and Aflatoxins from moldy hay or feed also can cause seizures due to liver damage. Those seizures look like the staggering seizures of low thiamine.
Heat stroke and head trauma also cause violent seizures.
Herpes simplex 1 will cause constant seizures then death.
The unknown cause type, called idiopathic, these type are from no known cause and are considered epilepsy type seizures. The problem is due to electrical activity across the cortex of the brain. It causes rigid posturing and spasms usually of the feet and mouth. The chinchilla is usually groggy afterwards. There is no known cause and no cure. You need to really get to know and trust your vet if you have one of these since treatment requires daily meds such as phenobarbital and oral valium during seizures. Euthanasia IMO may be the humane thing to do if the seizures are frequent and not being maintained by meds. One level cages with low perches are also recommended.