obsessive boyfriend...HELP!

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You need to dump him. Even if you aren't the one to normally do it. From the sound of things, he's not about to dump you, so you need to do it. If it's too hard to do it face to face, just call him, or email. I know they say to do it face to face, but if that's too hard, then just don't. You just need to get as far away from him as possible.

And I really think you need to take a break from boys. From your last relationship to this one, it sounds like you're attracting the wrong types of boys right now. Just step back and enjoy your teenage years, learn more about yourself and be happy with yourself. Believe me, you don't need a guy to feel good about yourself.
Get away from this one. That's too much drama way before that kind of 'devotion' should be a gleam on the horizon. But first things come first (assuming you don't have a grandpa/dad with a shot gun): tell your mother/family *and* someone at school how he's been acting and that you're both fed up and worried about it. Print this post out even, to create a hard copy record of the date. That way if you *have* to get a restraining order or something, you've established a provable time line of events. (I've been 'Net stalked but didn't keep records, and couldn't protect myself. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.)
He called me again earlier wanting to hang out. I told him I couldnt because I didnt feel good and that I lost my voice and that I needed to talk to him later. He was just like I'm so sorry you dont feel good, I read your status on myspace and it said you didnt feel well and I just wanted to check up on you. I was like ohh okayy. and hes like yeahh I have to go my brother is listening in on the phonee.

Plus he couldnt even understand me so I couldnt break up over the phone....but he left me another comment saying "heyy sexxxyyyy." I replyed saying "we need to talk...call me later or go on aim" but he hasnt been on since so he hasnt gotten it yet, I also texted him telling him that and trying to call but I think he lost his cell again. Also he keeps writing me songs and trying to sing them to me...he also started "stalking" my comments on myspace to see who I'm talking to and is always reading my texts and my recent calls on my cell phone...

aahhhhh!!!! :hair:
Im a bit confused.. I thought not even a month ago.. just before cnq went down you were telling your best friend or someone that you didnt want to date anyone for a while..cuz you really didnt.. but youve been dating this one for 2 months?

I think you are old enough to know when you are and are not happy and old enough to make your own decisions with out having to post about them and ask for advice so Im not going to sit here and tell you break up with him and stop dating.. Seems like you get in to one after another after another.. You know what to do.. I dont know why you keep allowing this to happen. Boy after boy..
Being that insecure and possessive at 2 months is a huge warning sign. Staying in a relationship out of guilt hurts both parties involved. Leave him and for gods sake enjoying hanging out with your friends and focus on school.
You titled this thread with a "HELP" but c'mon now you knew what everyone was going to tell you and you already know what you have to do. Don't let this escalate any longer.
I think you are old enough to know when you are and are not happy and old enough to make your own decisions with out having to post about them and ask for advice so Im not going to sit here and tell you break up with him and stop dating.. Seems like you get in to one after another after another.. You know what to do.. I dont know why you keep allowing this to happen. Boy after boy..

I completely agree. Just my opinion but it seems like either you like the drama that comes from these types of relationships or you're naive and shouldn't be jumping into relationships. But again, there may be more to this story and only you can make these decisions. If you were mature enough, you wouldn't have to ask for help in this situation. But again, this is just my opinion.
Whatever... I won't even go into the age bit- to me, it doesn't matter if you're 15 or 25...
guys like that are LOOSERS. :yuck:

Seriously though, even if my bf of gosh-knows-how-long (we are common law by now) gets into my personal space when I'm trying to do something (leaning too close to me while eating supper, tapping my leg with his foot by accident), I just tell him "can you give me a little space?". He knows that I don't mean anything mean by it, I just have my bubble space.

I'd go insane if he were to 'keep track' of me like that! No way Jose! The guy you're dating would get a dumping of a lifetime!

Seriously though, it WILL turn into something physical and threatening if you don't stop him NOW.
I wouldn't want the fun taken out of falling in love with someone. Its the best thing in the world.

Not at 15. I think relationships are one of the dumbest things you can enter when you are that age. Not only are you not old enough to know what true love is, you should be focusing on other things in life and enjoying those years. Looking back on it, I wish I had NEVER wasted my time with boys because it always ended up in heartache, and worst of all, tore apart friendships. And no, I did not "love" a single one of them like I thought I did at the time. At the time I thought we were madly in love and were going to get married and have a big house and kids and blah blah blah. It was INFATUATION. I thought for sure I had found 3 husbands in high school :eye roll:. That time should be spent having slumber parties with girlfriends, going to the movies, and doing well in school to prepare for your future.
Not at 15. I think relationships are one of the dumbest things you can enter when you are that age. Not only are you not old enough to know what true love is, you should be focusing on other things in life and enjoying those years. Looking back on it, I wish I had NEVER wasted my time with boys because it always ended up in heartache, and worst of all, tore apart friendships. And no, I did not "love" a single one of them like I thought I did at the time. At the time I thought we were madly in love and were going to get married and have a big house and kids and blah blah blah. It was INFATUATION. I thought for sure I had found 3 husbands in high school :eye roll:. That time should be spent having slumber parties with girlfriends, going to the movies, and doing well in school to prepare for your future.

I completely agree. Although I'm 15 myself. But really, it's a waste of time.... It's not like I don't like guys, but in not dating, I'm able to do so much more with my teen years instead of waste them on broken hearts and false emotions. Truthfully, I would never trust my emotions at my age.

I'm just trying to help you Michelle. I'm 15 too, I'm not some adult telling you this. It is so worth it not to date at our age. Trust me :winkers: