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Quaker oats - big round container with red and blue on it and a Quaker guy in the middle. You can't miss them.
I use old fashioned oats on occasion, too. It takes me about six months, maybe longer to use a container. Right now I have some organic brand because my husband said that they tasted too processed and he didn't want them. Any old fashioned type oats would work fine. :)
I don't like Walmart...they put in a SUPER Walmart a couple years back, I avoid that place like the plague. If there is something I can't find anywhere else for some reason, I either go online for it or begrudgingly go into Walmart and buy just that one thing. And, yes, they have put a lot of small businesses out of business around here. It's awful because there is NO CUSTOMER SERVICE at Walmart and they give a very limited selection much of the time. They have everything, but they only maybe one or two choices and those choices are usually made in China.

I'm glad you found the Oats! :D Sorry for my Walmart rant...
Sorry for my Walmart rant...

Don't be sorry for your Walmart rant--I avoid that store at all costs. They treat their employees so poorly, among other things. Luckily, I live in the burbs of Chicago where I can find just about anything within 15 minutes of my house.

Along with rolled oats, Idgie loves oat groats as a treat. I get them at Whole Foods. They are essentially whole oats that haven't been processed/cut/rolled, etc. She likes the crunch of them.
I don't like Walmart...they put in a SUPER Walmart a couple years back, I avoid that place like the plague. If there is something I can't find anywhere else for some reason, I either go online for it or begrudgingly go into Walmart and buy just that one thing. And, yes, they have put a lot of small businesses out of business around here. It's awful because there is NO CUSTOMER SERVICE at Walmart and they give a very limited selection much of the time. They have everything, but they only maybe one or two choices and those choices are usually made in China.

I'm glad you found the Oats! :D Sorry for my Walmart rant...

Ditto: avoid it like THE PLAGUE!

I have to do some research on rolled Barley. I was told by a rabbit breeder friend that rolled barley improves flesh condition even better than rolled oats. Any thoughts on that?
Heya sorry for butting in but i was just wondering, do ye give the oats as treats or do you daily add them to food?
Treats, you shouldn't add them to the food because the chin may start digging through the pellets to try to find the oats, and eat only the oats.

Okay, thanks! I thought as much, I don't give them any anyways, just the odd unsugared shredded wheat.