oats and shredded wheat

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Gizmo's roommate
Jun 3, 2009
so im about to venture to whole foods (i live on an island so its a good hour drive)! and im gonna pick up some treats for gizmo. what kind of oats can i get for him? my parents used to have those dry oats from quaker (they came in a huge tube) and we used to give those to our rabbits. i know ive read a few things saying they cant be instant, any particular brand you all buy?

and i was hoping to get some shredded wheat too. is that just in the cereal aisle? im a bit confused.
Old fashioned oats, just like the ones from Quaker (or just use Quaker). The quick oats are not recommended.

Yes, the shredded wheat are in the cereal isle. Just make sure you get bite sized nonsugared.
thank you guys so much!!!!

and yep, i have rose hips on my list too! then gonna stop at petsmart to buy some wood chews! he's gonna think its his birthday when i give him all the gifts (not all at once though)

Luci - You can get much better, safer, and cheaper wood chews from someone here on forum, like Pet Products By Nature, than what you buy at Petsmart. They are in small packages and are way overpriced at pet stores. They also sell peach wood, which is toxic to chins. Check out a seller on here for buying wood, I think you'll be happier.
I think because they can swell in the stomach much more than the old fashioned slow cooking oats.

I just got a scrap pak from Pet Products By Nature. The price was very reasonable, the shipping was quick and there was a large variety of wood pieces in it. My chinnies LOVE it.
If you will have access to anywhere you can buy food in bulk, buy some rolled oats. My husband loves it in winter, and I have often swiped a few uncooked pieces for Trixie.