Nylabone ?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Takara & Bao

Before when the forum was called Chin & Quills, some of the people on there were talking about nylabone (banana and strawberry) being good for the chins' s teeth, so I have tried it and my girls loved it, but since now I can't find those 2 flavors anymore, I was wondering if there was another flavor safe for them or if there is something like those bone somewhere that can be good for them too ????
Please help my little girls...
I would not give my chinnie girls Nylabones to chew on. They are basically a plastic bone that can splinter. I had a dog that used to like them but he couldn't gnaw off little pieces like a chinchilla can. Just my opinion.
I am talking about the edible nylabone, those are safe for chins
http://www.statelinetack.com/itemdy00.asp?T1=090216 STR

I think these are the ones she is referring to.

The all natural strawberry fruit flavoring in these bones is what makes them so unique! Your dog will enjoy the special fruit flavored treat.

These bones contain NO plastic, added salt, sugar, artificial color or preservatives, so they're completely digestible and edible. Plus, they're non-acidic.

I'm curious, does anyone know what these are even made of? I see there is no plastic, but that still doesn't mean they are safe for chins.

Edit: HA! Found what they are made of:


Wheat starch, glycerin, cellulose, lecithin, potato starch, natural flavor, natural color, oat fiber, calcium carbonate, soy flour & rosemary oil.

Min. crude protein: 0.6%, Min. crude fat: 0.2%, Max. crude fiber: 1.5%, Max. moisture: 12%
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Nylabone *

It is good sound anyone tell em where i can buy Nylabone at discount price I live california?
If you go to: www.nylabone.com and click on edibles they have a fruit pack available. Perhaps you can contact them and find suppliers in your area. It also lists the ingredients to make sure they didnt change the formuation and are still safe.
I'd just like to interject that this forum was never called Chins-n-Quills, it has only ever been Chins-n-Hedgies. That was a different forum run by a different person.
So have we decided if there safe or not? Just curious cause im always looking to mix up the girls toys
From what I have found, they have discontinued the banana and strawberry flavors anyway. Everything now is bacon and such.
That's my problem, we don't want to give them bacon or stuff like that, but the banana and the strawberry ones, my girls loved it, too bad they discontinued it...
Wheat starch, glycerin, cellulose, lecithin, potato starch, natural flavor, natural color, oat fiber, calcium carbonate, soy flour & rosemary oil.
Those aren't healthy anyway, wheat starch, potato starch and soy flour turns to sugar, isn't cellulose plastic?? and we all know they shouldn't have calcium carbonate which could lead to kidney stones.
I never heard of them being safe for chinchillas. However, we give the rabbits at school a nylabone for enrichment. At least I though it was a nylabone, but maybe it is a different brand. It is made for rabbits, so it is harder than the dog ones. It's black and I don't think it is flavored.
A few years ago I do remember reading that people gave the strawberry and banana flavored ones to their chins (not on CnQ but on the internet) and I had actually bought some to have on hand before I got my girls (I remember going crazy trying to find them and getting them from LittleRiverPetShop.com LOL) but never ended up giving them to the chins, I pitched them eventually knowing I was never going to use them. So they have been given to chins, I just don't remember whether CnQ members ever encouraged it. I tend to think not since I never gave them but that doesn't mean that someone didn't think they were OK.
I do believe I read that on chins n quills because that was the only forum I trusted, now I gave a few to my chins and they are really healthy, now I guess since they do not carry them anymore and we can't find them anywhere, the discussion is closed. Don't blame me for trying to find new stuff for my girls ! I really thought they were safe, but I guess you all think they are not. No problem anymore, they do not exist anymore.
On CnQ there were posts about how good they were. Even threads on where to find and buy them. I know because they are what made me go out and buy some. I actually still have 2 of them.