Nursery water vs reverse osmosis

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
Lexington KY
Hi guys, I know there is a thread about water already but I would like to gear your opinions between these two, my chins been drinking nursery since they were babes and drink it pretty well but wondering if r/o may be better and if they may drink more and help their poopies. Also nursery has the fluoride in it, wondering if this is good for them?
Flouridated water wiped out several herds before they had ways to control how much entered the water system. I have no idea how it affects chins in small doses as there has been no studies/research that I am aware of for long-term.

Obviously yours has not died, and I'm sure there are many others around the U.S. that have not died from it but I definitely do not recommend giving it.
Where do you find reverse osmosis water? I've heard people say you can find it at Wal-Marts, but I work there and looked the other night and could not find any .... Does it say it right on the jug? I'm wondering if I just don't live in a demographic that carries it. :eek:/
NiftyKat if your Wal-Mart (or grocery store) has a station where you can fill jugs of water, that is reverse osmosis. You can usually also get gallon jugs that are reverse osmosis. Just avoid the distilled and spring water. I think it is labeled as "R/O" or drinking water.
I would not recommend using the water stations as you don't know when the last time the filters were changed. I believe walmarts water says on the label I know Hinckley Springs does.