Noticed Something Strange

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I was holding Hufflepuff the other day and on her abdomen, her "belly button" seems to be enlarged quite a bit. I hadn't noticed it before, and I was wondering if this is any cause for concern. It doesn't seem to be bothering her, but there was a bit of a discharge on it. Any ideas? I am making an appointment to see the doctor, but my vet is a bit busy. Thanks!
I am guessing you don't have a girl! A girl will not have a "belly button" which is actually a penis. I am also guessing you did not notice it before because it may have been less noticeable. They can get more excited at times, and that would cause the "belly button" to become more enlarged. Lol- I would not worry unless it is really swollen and looks injured. Is the discharge white?
I would say post a picture.. Girls shouldnt have anything that looks like a "belly button." Sounds like a boy to me too! And discharge is.. well.. normal.. Double check to make sure the "belly button" isnt the penis sheath before going to the vet. It would be a very expensive way to tell you that you have missexed your hoggie.

Here is a side by side picture of a boy and girl