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Nov 7, 2012
My chin Chloe has recently had some changes in her behavior. I noticed a decreased activity level and a little more cranky behavior. I have observed her eating, drinking, urine and bowel movements as normal. I let her out daily for at least an hour and for the most part her activity level is normal during that time. During the last 48 hours, I have noticed her keeping her left paw balled up against her body. She lets me touch it and I don't feel anything abnormal. She does not have a cage that has wire flooring or shelves, her wheel is plastic and she doesn't really climb the wire walls. There have been occasional times at night that I hear her jump from a shelf to her wheel and let out what I can only describe as a wincing yelp but this is something she has done for a long time. I always check on her when I hear this and she appears normal. She is about a year old and I have had her since she was probably 6 weeks old as I rescued her from a research facility. I have read everything I can find to try and provide her the best care possible but have not been able to find anything similar. Help!
Well if you're chin is injured it probably won't let you know. Is your house any warmer than usual? My chins ball up their paws to their chests all the time, but then run around like normal. If you are really worried take her to a vet.